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Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:19 pm
by ulservices
Can anyone recommend a good low cost P&C software package for a new Independent agency?


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:50 pm
by Armando
You should check out Agency Building Software. It is a fairly robust software at a very low price. You can download a demo at their website

If you decide to buy, I would appreciate your giving them my name as a referral source as they do offer a bonus for referrals.

Good Luck

Armando J. Cantu
CIG of Texas Insurance and Financial Services

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:42 am
by execbroker
[FONT=Arial] You can quit looking around and just get the BEST, which is AMS 360. ( See ) THis is the absolute best software for the new or exisiting P&C agency. AMS is the largest provider of agency management software and has the largest user group (90,000+) with highly active local user groups who will happily assist and educate you. You also get TransActNow and Carrier Passport free at present.

John F Shadley,CIO
Insurance Source Inc
St Louis MO

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:24 am
by pita3333
I agree any AMS product is well worth its price. And with their online version you keep your hardware costs down.

I have used many vendors over the years and AMS is easy to use and understand.

Good luck.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:57 pm
by loudmouth
What is your opinion on Applied Systems? How many subscribers do they have? I am not interested in the ASP systems only a windows based. I only ask because you've stated to have tried other systems.


Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:32 pm
by Sundance
Without a doubt in my mind Applied is THE BEST system out there. I will admit I haven't used them in the past couple of years but I have an agent frined who just purchased the system for their agency about 4 months ago and feels the same as I do.

At one point I was going to be a trainer for them but time away was vast (they don't train the same any longer). Part of me wishes I would have gone ahead and done it anyway.

I think they are a top company and always on the go with technology. I am not in need of a system as yet (per my other post in your other topic, I just opened a little over a year ago myself) but when I buy which will probably be in a year I'll 99% go Applied...I can't imagine anything else impressing me the way that system has.

PS, you can go to the users groups or their sites and get even more info as well.

Also curious....where in CA are you?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:08 pm
by mfox
Don't waste your time buying any system but AMS. We were a Gemini(forced on us by Aetna in 1987)User. We went with the Novell platform of Gemini-called ARGO in April 1995. Cisgem then bought ARGO and then was purchased by AMS. We migrated our data to AfW(AMS for Windows in August 1997). We ran this in-house until I switched to the ASP version(AfW On-Line) in April 2002.
We have had as many as 9 and as few as 6 users(currently 8) during this time, and I have to say that their system has allowed us to double our size in 6 years. The key to any Agency Managment System is using it to its full capability. From our standpoint- AfW has been the one that we never hear complaints from other users. We are now preparing for their AMS 360 which is the .net version of AfW. We have gone from $2,300,000 to $5,250,000 without increasing our staff size beyond the high in 1998? We have over 2900 personal lines policies. The key has been download of policy data and commission statements and using the accounting system exclusively. The ability of the system to import and export data to and from our personal lines rating with FSC(They also have QuoteWorks available) is another plus. Single Entry would be possible if all carriers(Travelers is our best) would work with the rating vendors to make it a reality.

I hope that helps. You might want to go to Indy to see AMS 360 first-hand. That's where their holding the National User's Group Conference this year.

Martin H. Fox, CFO
Clovis Insurance Agency

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:27 am
by PCorathers
AMS is not "low cost"!!! I have used the GBS ( the past 10 years. I am currently testing QuickFiles. ( Both of these programs are around $500. I think I going tp like Quickfiles. They have a single fee for any number of users and a great way to use in the field on a laptop and merge. It has the ability to scan. GBS basic is cheaper but they extra for add on modules. For Quickfiles call Tony at 1 800 330-8000 x 107. They can send you out a full function test program. Please let him know I referred you.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:40 pm
by pita3333
As a former Applied and AMS user (both recent) I can again say AMS is the superior product. It is easy to understand, easy to use and easy to train a person on.

Applied is cumbersom and difficult to "see" what has happened. A good friend of mine was a 9 year Applied (TAM) user and I was a 3 year AMS user when we were both placed on an inhouse committee to develop procedures for a major sized agency. In our office there were 60 users. I only had AMS to compare to and would ask questions based on that experience. She would get upset at me for that and the consultant (who knew a bit about both systems) would bring us back to center.

Well a few months a go that friend left the agency for a AMS agency and after 3 weeks she called me to say "ok you were right AMS is a much better system".

Now as for cost between the two or others. I have no clue, but I also know that I would not look for bargins in what is likely to be the MOST CRITICAL asset can agency can have other than clients and staff!

I am currently looking for a job, one of my first questions I ask is what system is being used.