Mom of Massachusetts Man Shot in Harvard Dorm Sues University

May 25, 2012

  • May 25, 2012 at 1:36 pm
    Lynda Berge says:
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    Although I would be devastated were it my child, I would have to admit that life is sometimes unjust and unfair. Neither is grounds for a lawsuit.

  • May 25, 2012 at 2:14 pm
    Insurance Mom says:
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    as usual, from the brief article, we don’t know about dorm security, previous encounters, if procedures were followed, if anyone with authority knew of the illegal activities. Some issues really do need to be settled in a court of law, and this might be one of them.

  • May 25, 2012 at 4:02 pm
    Expert says:
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    It appears that some (too many?) people in our society expect to be saved harmless from anything and everything that may cause them
    injury or grief in their lifetimes, in any and all places. Seems these folks want the government to do something about this, and protect them from all harm. Not going to happen, should not happen, and the last place I would look for protections is the government which turns any and all things it touches into failures.

  • May 29, 2012 at 10:39 am
    Little Frog says:
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    When I read the mom’s alegation that her son’s murder could have been avoided had Harvard enforced its own policies, I was reminded of a scene in the movie “Social Network”. The Twin brothers who originated the idea and project which became FaceBook had asked the university president to enforce the school’s policy on honor and plagerism against Zuckerberg. Without any consideration of the merits of their request, they were humiliated and tossed out of the presidents office.
    For generations, Harvard has been indoctrinating their leaders with their own version of class superiority and the supremacy of central authority. It is all too convenient however that when bad things happen, or even just not according to plan, that it’s not their “responsibility”. If there is a 1%, it is them; and the institutions like them!

  • May 29, 2012 at 11:31 am
    Eli Yale says:
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    “Her lawyers tell The Boston Globe that Denise Cosby believes her son would be alive today if the school had followed its own policies.”

    With all due respect to the victim and his mother, I have to ask, was it among Denise Cosby’s policies to allow her son to be involved in drug deals? Which of Harvard’s policies would have prevented her son’s death?

  • May 29, 2012 at 1:55 pm
    New Comer says:
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    If you read articles from other sources, this woman’s son was not a student at Harvard and neither was the shooter. The deceased was a known drug dealer who was in the dorm to make a deal. The girlfriend of the shooter was the only Harvard student involved. They set the drug dealer up to rob him and when he wouldn’t hand over the money or drugs he was shot. While I feel terrible for this mother’s loss, it’s ridiculous to hold the school responsible for her son’s bad choices in life.

    • May 29, 2012 at 6:08 pm
      Little Frog says:
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      We don’t get a lot of Harvard news out here in the hustings, but given what you said I would agree on the question of damages. As to the issue of responsibility/liability on the university however, I think this is a natural result of their permissive – anything goes attitude. But for pure dumb luck, some innocent bystander wasn’t killed as well.

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