Rhode Island Lawmakers Get Grim Report on Sea Level Rise

By | October 14, 2013

  • October 15, 2013 at 10:18 am
    tobyw says:
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    Climate models are climate models and measurements are measurements.

    Most measurements show a steady rate of increase over the last 100 years of about a foot, less in RI.




  • October 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm
    Whodathunkit? says:
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    It’s interesting they are now using 2100 as the base line. In 1975 they were predicting gloom and doom by 2000. Well that didn’t pan out and they look like complete idiots. So now they are making sure the prognosticators and everyone duped by them will be dead when everyone realizes it all wrong.

  • October 15, 2013 at 1:48 pm
    joeg says:
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    I would be highly skeptical of these type of predictions since they are never true. Ice is increasing contrary to the fact that that many “conservatively” predicted that there would be no ice at all left by 2013. There are billions to be had and many others tie their socialist views to global warming propaganda. Al Gore jet sets around the globe belching emissions while spewing this nonsense. It’s sad that this kind of dribble ends up in the news anywhere.

    • October 16, 2013 at 11:50 am
      Celtica says:
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      Where is this ice forming? Certainly not in the new Arctic shipping lanes that was created by — melting ice.


      • October 25, 2013 at 1:21 pm
        tobyw says:
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        Celtica, the best source of data is the website http://www.wattsupwiththat.com, they give links to government data and graphs, and the opinion of the site and of guests. All are welcome to comment. It is also a source of links to other websites on the topic regardless of school of thought.

  • October 15, 2013 at 1:59 pm
    glenn says:
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    This guy better update his research …. no meaningful changes in the earth temps in the last 15 years and the ice caps are increasing in size not melting. I know its an inconvient truth but we do actually need to use facts before we make decisons for a state or a nation right??

  • October 15, 2013 at 6:29 pm
    Celtica says:
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    Where are these ice caps forming?

  • October 15, 2013 at 9:24 pm
    County Line says:
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    It is indisputable that climate has changed dramatically over time. What strangely seems to be in great dispute is whether climate will continue to change with or without mankind driving that change.

    It is fair to say that the glaciers which shaped much of our land thousands of years ago didn’t melt because the population of that time drove inefficient cars.

    Seriously though, the ice melted then and ice is melting now. Before any of man’s industrial development, climate change was much more dramatic than we’ve seen in our very short modern recorded history. Why would climate change have ended or begun just because our science can now measure it?

    Think about it. A mile thick glacier carved California’s Yosemite Valley and King’s Canyon. Same for the Great Lakes. It was not man who changed that climate and melted those ice sheets; it was the natural forces of the earth and sun.

    Sure, climate has changed. Some areas are warmer, some are colder, some wetter and some drier than they used to be. The fundamental difference between the vast climate change of pre-historic times and now is we weren’t there to measure it. Only recently has our technology helped us understand that there is change. But it’s not a new thing, folks.

    Now, certain academics and their politically motivated allies have built a false religion about man-made global warming, and we are all expected to bow to a relentless stream of new climate change regulations limiting our liberties and standard of living.

    We should all be for clean air and clean water. However, we should not bow to bad science and the false religion of man-made climate change.

    • October 16, 2013 at 9:07 am
      Libby says:
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      Why can’t it be both? There are natural changes in climate, that we know. But the rate of change is increasing what it would normally be due to man’s interference. I don’t know why everyone thinks it has to be one or the other. Open your eyes and your mind.

    • October 16, 2013 at 10:20 am
      M. Prankster says:
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      “False religion?” You don’t say!

      My faith community holds stewardship and care of the earth to be an important part of our focus and energies. We believe that is what the Creator expects of us and that is what is owed to the Creator.

      Man made global warming is a reality.

  • October 18, 2013 at 1:49 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Well, some people don’t live in reality. Some live in Faux Newsland.

    The planet is alive and we know we do things to kill it and the atmosphere every day. Myself included. Why do we want to kill the planet? It doesn’t exist for us to rape it. We are here to live with it. So, do more things to help the planet live. We’ll be gone someday and the planet will still be here…maybe. Humans needs to change their collective selfish ways.

  • October 18, 2013 at 1:50 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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  • October 18, 2013 at 4:18 pm
    Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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    “What have we done to the Earth?
    What have we done to our fair sister?
    Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her.
    Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn, and
    Tied her with fences and dragged her down…”

    • October 18, 2013 at 5:01 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      I love The Doors. Sorry to see Ray go earlier this year. Long live he and Jim both. Rock legends!

  • October 21, 2013 at 4:58 pm
    No Doubt says:
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    There are several problems with this
    1. There is no concensus that the earth is warming any more now then it was cooling in the 70’s.
    2. We have about 100 to 150 years worth of credible climate data. Any model that would indicate that it is using 1000’s or even 100’s of thousand of years worth of data are making somewhat educated guesses.
    oh and by the way, the same guys predicting global warming are using the same sketchy data previously used to make the global cooling predictions.
    3. Meterorologists admit that any prediction in excess of a week is a SWAG. These guys have it nailed down to where they know whats going to happen almost 90 years from now?
    4. Science is really the study of searching for the truth. I appreciate and respect that search.That said, the scientific community gets it wrong far more often until it gets it right-and thats not a criticism, but its a fearless believe in the search for the truth.
    Who outside of the media and a small group of advocates really think that the search for truth is at an end?
    5. The job I want is the one where some guy conned the state of RI into paying for this kind of pseudo science because its fraudulent to sell this idea when its far from fact.

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