Obama Labor Chief Taking Aggressive Approach to Workplace Safety

By | January 5, 2010

  • January 5, 2010 at 12:45 pm
    Former Status Quo says:
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    This government is getting too powerful. For every dollar they are spending on a “bailout” they are spending probably 3 or 4 on hiring new workers and creating positions that didn’t exist before.

    The government and insurance commissioners don’t want to raise rates or taxes because the businesses cannot take it, but they aren’t scared to just go out and fine the hell of out those same businesses. Talk about indirect taxation.

  • January 5, 2010 at 12:57 pm
    Bill says:
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    I agree Status Quo, Look out for the not so hidden taxes coming our way. A friend of mine just got a speeding ticket issued by the county sheriffs dept for $280. I remember when it was $50. for a minor speeding infraction. Another guy got a fine for replacing his front door without a permit for $200.

  • January 5, 2010 at 1:08 am
    JMHO says:
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    Agree with both of you…government gets larger and larger every day and that can only mean more debt or more taxes, and I think it’s going to be more taxes on you and me, and not just the uber-wealthy.

    I would be singing a different story if the administration announced a retraction of government services somewhere to pay for this expansion. If we need to change priorities, than let’s “change.” Let’s not simply “expand.”

  • January 5, 2010 at 1:12 am
    Bob says:
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    If there are legitimate safety concerns, most of us would agree they should be addressed and corrected. The fact that accidents and deaths in the workplace are declining is justification for “if it aint broke don’t fix it”. Many times employees harrass their employers through unfounded complaints. We had a disgruntled employee report a mouse sighting at their desk to the health department – the result was the banning of snacks at the desk for hundreds of employees. As our company president said if they would have reported it to the supervisor the company would have set traps but by elevating it to the health dept we all had to suffer – Is this undue pressure on people not to report problems? or simply a request to talk to your company first.
    I agree with enough is enough, this administration seems to be about creating government jobs that place additional burdens on those who pay taxes.

  • January 5, 2010 at 2:02 am
    Dan says:
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    I may work at a desk in an insurance industry job now, but 15 years of crappy jobs, for bosses who would fire you for going to the hospital when injured on the job, who would refuse to replace dangerous ladders, made me and others work with nasty chemicals that had been banned for years, let- insisted!- that known drunkards drive forklifts and operate milling machines….

    Sorry, a business that doesn’t follow the letter and the spirit of the law, ANY and EVERY law regarding workplace saftey, should have the entire board and all management above the injured employee perp walked off to some dank nasty PYITA institution.

  • January 5, 2010 at 2:10 am
    TXLady says:
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    When I worked for a very large insurance company back in the 90’s we went through the whole ergonomics craze. Millions were spent on studying each employee’s desk to determine if it was the correct height, distance, chair, etc for that particular person to prevent injuries arising from sitting at a desk. Millions spent! All to ensure workplace safety in the form of not getting injured while sitting! True dangers need to be addressed and addressed swiftly. Some of the other things, like how your mouse is positioned, not so much. By the way, this was one of many big companies who have since reduced their workforce by 10’s of thousands. Guess all the money spent on wrist rests and special chairs and loss control surveys of each individual desk adds up and ends up costing jobs. Regulation for the sake of creating more rules is nothing but more wasted government money that is in short supply right now.

  • January 5, 2010 at 3:09 am
    What the... says:
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    This is an attempt by the Obama admin to steer non-union businesses into unions. More power & vote grabbing and old boy payback to the unions who supported. Govt jobs created soley to attack nongovt job makers outside of union control.
    If OSHA is going to be so great, then why do we need unions?

  • January 5, 2010 at 3:16 am
    Allan says:
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    Yeah!!! I hate it when goverment steps in to try and keep it’s citizens safe.

    TX Lady, didn’t you read the article? This whole thing is ment for safeguarding workers in dangerous industries. Not cushy desk jobs like you and I.

    Did anyone here read what Dan just wrote?


  • January 5, 2010 at 3:22 am
    Doctor J says:
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    I can’t wait for the elections this year. Get ready for a neutered exective branch!

  • January 5, 2010 at 3:41 am
    Allan says:
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    The government is not deciding fair compensation. The article stated that new investigators were hired to protect workers from being cheated out of wage and overtime pay. Same as past administrations.

    Is there anyone here belive in worker’s or labor rights?

  • January 5, 2010 at 6:05 am
    Allan says:
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    You mentioned that your friend got a speeding ticket for $280 and you remember it being $50? In 1950 maybe. I’ve gotten one that was around that same price.

    You say that another guy got a fine for replacing his front door without a permit for $200? That all depends on where you live is zoned. You don’t give enough info to support your paranioa other than your paranoia. I can go right now and change my front door and no one is going to do squat about it.

  • January 6, 2010 at 8:24 am
    response to allan says:
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    I think this pic is a solid response to just about all your posts on IJ.


  • January 6, 2010 at 10:39 am
    Scrooged says:
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    I was slightly injured on the job in front of two witnesses who informed the boss. The boss verbally acknowledged its awareness of the incident to me that day. I went to the hospital the next day for ex-rays and some minor patching up, crutches, pain med, ace bandage.
    When the employer got the ER bill, the work comp. carrier was instructed to inform me that the employer had decided to deny my claim for medical benefits –payments to the hospital. This person is an insurance agent who lied to the carrier about the incident. I had to file for a hearing before the carrier even contacted me. All this hassle over a $600 payment to the hospital! Anyone enjoy fighting with their boss and the work comp. carrier to get their medical bill paid when they are hurt at work????

  • January 6, 2010 at 12:35 pm
    Allan says:
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    See! This has nothing to do with growing government or socialism. As much as most of you would like to believe, I think it all has to do with the growing paranoia in this country though.

    Jeez, we’re talking about workers rights here for God sake.

    Before I got into the insurance biz many, many years ago, I had jobs that were hazerdous and thank God that the places I worked at payed close attention to work safety and were on top of things. I had a few back injuries and was always taken care of because of the laws that are in place here in California.

    How about this – Government just shuts down alltogether. No laws to obied by, no politicians, no nothing. We can have no Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, FDA, Homeland Security (by the way, includes our Boarder Patrol), Unemployment Insurance, first time home buyer programs, all government grants (including ones for schools, HIV and cancer research), all of our military and law enforcement, VA services, and the list goes on.

    If everyone here is sooo afraid of the government interfearing in your daily lives, then go live in Somalia or Yemen. They have no government.

    You all sound like a bunch of whiney little bi*ches.

  • January 6, 2010 at 2:25 am
    JMHO says:
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    Now, now, Allan — you don’t need to call people names to get your point across.

    I don’t think anyone here really disagrees with the need for some government agency overseeing serious employment hazards or penalizing employers for failure to act ethically.

    You must have missed the piece in the article that brought up ergonmic regulations (Clinton added them, Bush got rid of them). That’s what someone you took issue with was commenting about. I am sure you can see the difference in the potential for injury. And one reader simply pointed out that the cost to mitigate the risk far exceeded the actual cost of the incidence. We are in risk management, and that simply makes no sense.

    My point is that our government continues to expand, and we can no longer afford an expanding government. We need to expand where there is risk, and contract where there is less risk and less need. We need to let our capital markets and entreneurial culture provide solutions, not just government. When will this administration and congress see the big picture and make the kind of change we can believe in?

  • January 6, 2010 at 3:21 am
    Allan says:
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    Right, Bush did rescind ergonomics rules that were passed in the Clinton administration. But, Solis has not spoken about plans to revive them…..

    The thing is, most people on here really do disagree with the need for government agencies overseeing just about everything if you have been reading articles and posts that follow regarding the health care debates, bail outs and executive compensation pay outs.

    I agree that an over expansion of government is not very healthy for the free markets but a lot of the free markets take advantage when they can and leave citizens and consumers left holding the empty bag. An all for profit motivation. Make a profit but do it EHICALLY.

    We need regulations in place to protect the citizens and consumer only in the critical areas that are needed. Such as this one, health care and Wall Street.

  • January 7, 2010 at 9:35 am
    izell says:
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    Injuried on job 12/07. I/C lawyer denied all benefits 10/08, Still no type of benefits today. Go to trial 3/10. The workers comp. laws was supposed to be in place for the injuried worker. What a joke. Only the I/C, the lawyer, the employer, the doctors, hospital, are benefiting from this. Not only have I not rec’d medical proper treatments, which has progress. I have been denied financial support. If there is someone willing to do something about this ~clique~ let them do it. If there is someone who don’t believe in sny type of reform, let them get injuried, and see first hand how this system needs reformed or scutinized. I didn’t ask to get injuried. I loved my type of work. Angered in Louisiana.

  • January 7, 2010 at 12:17 pm
    Allan says:
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    See, here’s another one and I’m sure there are many more.

    Government take over my a$$.

  • January 7, 2010 at 1:06 am
    Dee says:
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    Until US citizens stop their mindset of ENTITLEMENT and become producers again INSTEAD of entitled consumers, our country and economy remains weak! We cannot remain a “service” country, we need to manufacture goods, export, construct infrastructure, etc. I agree that we need the Govt to take the lead in BIG things such as national health (DO NOT confuse this with healthCARE) and security, JOBS creation and national infrastructure. But not as a TAX and SPEND entity! I have grown a business for 27 years and I have CARED ABOUT EMPLOYEES! I have paid well, offered all the benefits and that’s because its the right thing TO DO – not because the Govt said I had to. I do not believe the Govt should be telling me how to run my business. If I don’t run a good one, no one will work for me! The “market” will take care of bad business owners. Yes, some may “get away” with bad practices for awhile and yes, people get hurt. BUT, it takes “two to tango” and employees should take personal responsibility for themselves! Any employee who says “poor me” isn’t taking personal responsiblity for their life. I have been a very good employer and now because of the economy and a lack of work (construction)and all the added fees, taxes and laws, I am seriously considering shutting the doors. And the Govt wants to tax me more and SPEND the money on Cobra Subsidies and extended unemployment?? Give me a break! Remember when Michelle Obama said during the campaign something along the lines that she was “finally” proud of her country…? Well I wish I could agree with her but I’m not currently proud of our Govt or our country. I am very disheartened with P the entitled American mindset and people who have a thought process like Allan’s.

  • January 7, 2010 at 2:53 am
    Allan says:
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    Um, Dee, what does anything of what you said have to do with protecting workers rights and making sure they are not taken advantage of in the workplace????

    Are any of those people who posted their problems and issues on here in regards to what happend to them have a “thought process” such as myself as you put it?

    Should we bring back sweat shop and child labor?

  • January 8, 2010 at 6:06 am
    Allan says:
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    Come on Dee….chirp chirp. All I hear is crickets in your corner.

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