How ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Package Deals with Business Taxes

By and | January 2, 2013

  • January 2, 2013 at 9:11 am
    Matthew says:
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    Our leaders are fools. Stop spending more than you take in. It will end in chaos even if you have control of the money printing press. I don’t understand………….

  • January 2, 2013 at 11:11 am
    wvagt says:
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    Kind of like the old joke about the new Democratic IRS form 1040 – there are only two items;

    1) How much did you make last year?
    2) Send it in.

    Not so funny any more.

    • January 3, 2013 at 6:02 pm
      Agent says:
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      Don’t forget to add in the new Obummercare tax to your return wvagt. Also, the $63 per head charge on your healthcare premium.

      • January 4, 2013 at 10:47 am
        FFA says:
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        I am a little confused on this $63.00 per head. If you could assist me in clearing it up, I would appreciate that. I asked one of my reps about it and he did not have the answers.
        If I remember correctly, this is not part of oBummer Care – Correct? Is this $63.00 a rolling monthly or just an annal screw job? Sorry – I meant annual.
        Does it appply to employee count or is inclusive of spousal & family coverage? My current make up is me and one employee. I have my wife listed as spousal coverage. Would I be better off writing her a pay check and putting her on as an employee?


        • January 4, 2013 at 11:46 am
          Agent says:
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          As I understand it FFA, the $63 is a per head annual charge for Individual and Group policies. HHS has determined they need this charge to pay for all the PreX’s coming into the system. My guess is the charges will be worked into the rate increases we see all the time on customers who have coverage. This is another of the re-distribution of wealth schemes that force individuals and businesses to pay for people that have not had coverage. Companies know they have to raise rates because they will have to accept these PreX people and pay claims on them. Isn’t Socialism great?

  • January 2, 2013 at 3:29 pm
    Agent says:
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    The more I see of what was done, the more need for tar, feathers, rails, pitchforks and torches. These idiots also voted themselves a raise along with Federal workers. $1 in cuts for every $41 in revenue. Just what we wanted, right? I am sure all employees in the middle class will love their checks next time when the 2% is taken out for Social Security.

  • January 2, 2013 at 4:49 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    The deficit just passed $16.5 Trillion, with a “T”. At the end of Obummers first year it was $10.6 Trillion. So he has spent $5 Trillion in three years. So what do we get for over $6 trillion dollars?

    *8% unemployment.

    * A deal that will add another $5 Trillion to the debt over the next 5 years.

    * A deficit/debt number (The $16.5 Trillion) that does not even include the cost of entitlements such as medicare, welfare and mediciad so the number is far larger than shown.

    *A part of society that has become dependent on welfare and medicaid.

    * A border that allows and even encourages illegal deadbeats into this country.

    and a president that is the liar in chief. He says over and over that we need a fiscal deal that is “fair and balance” (his words) yet he will not come up with one program cut and refuses to cut “any current program”. He has never submitted a budget (other than th joke that would not pass the Dummerthancrap controlled Senate) and he wants an unlimited US credit card- no debt ceiling. Great-

    • January 2, 2013 at 5:25 pm
      Agent says:
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      Sargent, Margaret Thatcher said it best. Under Socialism, pretty soon you run out of other peoples money. Unfortunately for this country, we have elected an elitist Socialist class that is busy adopting things that will bankrupt the country. We also have a lot of stupid, lazy people who want all the handouts and won’t work a lick. If they use up their 99 weeks, they just run down to Social Security to get on disability. I really don’t think we will see another federal budget. They have decided that continuing resolutions and kicking the can down the road is the way to go and the people won’t really notice how bad it is. Yes, I remember the last budget this President sent out. It was rejected 100-0 from the Democrat controlled Senate. Congress is really being made irrelevant by the raft of Executive Orders. Welcome to the new Monarchy.

    • January 3, 2013 at 2:15 pm
      FFA says:
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      What was the figure that Obunnercare was going to add to that?

      • January 3, 2013 at 4:58 pm
        Agent says:
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        I am not sure how much Obummercare will add to the deficit since there are so many new taxes built into it. However, the projection is supposed to reach $20 Trillion on the deficit by the end of the next 4 years. Deficits do not mean much to Progressive Liberals and the debt will be passed on to the next administration to deal with. By then, we may not be able to afford the interest on the debt. All of these dudes should be run out of Washington on a rail and all special interests should be sent packing from their DC offices and not allowed to contact lawmakers. I never thought I would see the day that we had such incompetence in office.

        • January 4, 2013 at 12:39 pm
          FFA says:
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          Maybe just tie them to the rails like in the old west.
          Curious that Libby is not in this conversation.

          • January 4, 2013 at 1:09 pm
            Agent says:
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            It is kind of strange that she and her joined at the hip mate Planet have not commented. Perhaps their employer checked their computer to see all the nonsense and told them to knock it off. They really can’t defend what the Administration and all their Progressive minions have been doing anyway.

  • January 2, 2013 at 6:31 pm
    Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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    I’m glad their keeping the tax break for rum production. That’s where a lot of my welfare check goes!

    • January 3, 2013 at 9:42 am
      Agent says:
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      I’m glad the Green Energy industry got their $12 Billion so we can make more energy from Algae and Switchgrass. We know how successful all these companies have been in the last four years and how many new jobs have been created.

    • January 4, 2013 at 10:50 am
      FFA says:
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      An after you get convicted of a crime, you can sue the govt. If they would not have let the Rum MFGR slide on the tax thing, you would not have been able to afford as much and would not have committed what ever crime you did while you were drunk form the less expensive rum. Sorry. Its my IL sue first lifetime of training.

  • January 3, 2013 at 12:01 pm
    ExciteBiker says:
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    Glad we were able to extend temporary breaks like instant 50% bonus depreciation but not the payroll tax break. So all the companies sitting on the record corporate profits and massive cash hoards can continue not to make investments. And 90% of America–living paycheck to paycheck–will have 2% less. Meaning an immediate, real, and measurable loss of economic activity. I bet a lot of people respond by doing things like cutting gym memberships, eating out less, delaying major purchases/upgrades and cancelling cable.

    And of course on the heels of the deal we have Republican reps and governors screaming at the GOP leadership because they didn’t get a $60 billion (with a B) storm relief bill loaded with political gifts and pork belly fat.

    • January 3, 2013 at 12:28 pm
      Agent says:
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      Business as usual Biker. They kicked the can down the road once again and didn’t address their spending addiction. There should be an organization like AA they should be forced to attend. We could call it Spending Annonymous. They could stand up and say they are Spendaholics and admit they have a problem. They could then have a Conservative be their sponsor and everytime they had an urge to do a big spending bill, they could call and get help before going on the binge.

    • January 3, 2013 at 2:11 pm
      FFA says:
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      We never got the 2% tax break in IL because our Gov increase Income Tax 2% that same year. All we get to feel is the hike.

      • January 3, 2013 at 2:39 pm
        Agent says:
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        Hey FFA, what is this I hear about your Governor wanting to confiscate all guns in Illinois? He must be taking his cues from Obama and Feinstein.

        • January 3, 2013 at 4:00 pm
          FFA says:
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          I keep hearing bits and pieces. Wants auto & Semi Auto guns baned and wants to ban large clips capped at 10. If I remember the news correctly – Ive had a lot on my mind as of late – you can keep the ones you have but have to register them. Murder rate in Chicago topped 500 last year. This is not inclusive of the shootings that did not kill any one.
          Shock of all schocks , Aurora, IL – a hot bed for gangs – did not have a single murder last year. First time since the 40’s.
          Bottom line is something has to be done in Chicago. I hate to see the Nat Guard come in. But they need help in a bad way. Too many innocent victims. Taking protection away from law abidding people is not going to work. Criminals will still get guns. All too often people get a catch phrase and think its a cure all.

          Parking rates in Chicago jumped Jan 1. Now have the highest in the nation. Was not aware of this, but, the Pk Meter lease went to a Canadian Company. All them parking fees headed out of the country.

          Every morning I wake up, I wonder how I can convince my wife to get out of this state.

          One casualty was Lovie Smith. He would be a nice fit in Dallas. Good Coach did the best he could with the crap of an offensive line he got. Carimi experiment failed just like the last yahoo they had there. Webb was a complete bust. So bad Cutler was screaming at him on the side lines for all the cameras to catch.
          What on earth happened to your Texans?

          • January 3, 2013 at 4:51 pm
            Agent says:
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            I don’t think Chicago would have as much trouble if their Mayor sent out the SWAT teams to round up the gangs roaming the streets. When the law abiding citizens are disarmed, the gangs will have it made then and can do whatever they want.

            I really hated seeing Lovie go. How is this for irony? Lovie goes 10-6 and gets the axe and Garrett goes 8-8 with a dysfunctional team and keeps his job. Don’t ask me what happened to the Texans. I think they thought they could coast for a while with home field advantage throughout. They may get beat in the first round now. Some of these playoff teams are hungrier and go all out every play. It comes down to coaching at this stage of the season. Denver may just make it with Manning at the helm. It could be the 49’ers in the NFC. Who knows!

          • January 4, 2013 at 8:27 am
            jw says:
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            If you could convince your wife to move, where would you go?

            For what it’s worth, I was shocked when Lovie Smith was fired. Did not see that one coming.

          • January 4, 2013 at 9:44 am
            Agent says:
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            FFA, I read where the gun owners in Illinois are fighting back on this legislation so it may not be a done deal just yet. Also, the owner of Armalite, a gun manufacturer in Illinois is fielding offers from other states to relocate his operation. Almost any of the southern states would welcome his company with incentives to create jobs etc. Way to go Illinois. Run off some more business and create some more unemployment.

          • January 4, 2013 at 2:18 pm
            Agent says:
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            Hey FFA. How about that Denny’s manager telling the plain clothes cops they had to check their guns while eating at Denny’s? They had their guns and badges on. What an idiot of a manager. If I am a customer, I really like seeing a Police presence in a restaurant. I don’t think the thugs will try anything with them around. All cops should boycott Denny’s and any other restaurants that pull this kind of thing. Enough is enough with the anti gun crazies.

  • January 4, 2013 at 10:29 am
    FFA says:
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    @JW – I would move into Central Wisconsin. I own property up there free and clear. I could spit my mortgage all togeather. Cost of living is way less. Property taxxes are cheap. My brother pays less then $2K a year for lake front property. No Sales Tax on food. Gas is about 20-30 cents cheaper. I could get office space in a near by town same size as I have for about $250 @ months when I am paying $725.00. Cost of insurance over all is way less expensive. My car alone would be almost half what I pay in the burbs. Then, I would only get screwed by one state on the non resident fees / licenses – Illinois – imagine that. Not only that, the political climate is way better. They have a balanced budget. I dont know the official stats, but I am sure that WI has less then half the jail population of former politicians then does IL. I am only about 20 minuts from club fed in Brooks WI where most of the IL crooks (politicians) go. I could stand outside the gates and make fun of them.

    • January 7, 2013 at 2:09 pm
      Sargent Major says:
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      Hi FFA- Central Wisconsin? I lived in Central WI for a while and I don’t miss it. There were some nice people there etc, but my taxes were very high. Higher than any other place I have lived including Michigan. Also, groceries were higher, utilities were higher, other than water. My cell phone bill was higher than it is today and if I wanted to go to a nice shopping area with nice restauurants I had to drive at least an hour to Appleton. Winter seemed to last forever and 30 to 40 below was not uncommon. You really got to like it or have family there or you will be miserable

      • January 7, 2013 at 3:08 pm
        Agent says:
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        Sargent, you and FFA can have the frozen tundra and I will stay put down here in Texas for the warmer climate. January & February are the only months we get much cold weather and it still gets up to middle 40’s during the daytime for the most part. We also have a lower cost of living than most of the country. Do we have weather problems with wind & hail? Sure, and the occasional hurricane comes into the gulf as well. Ike wiped out Galveston a few years ago, but the people didn’t get a visit from the President promising to cut the red tape. Galveston has recovered and we go about our business.

        • January 8, 2013 at 3:56 pm
          FFA says:
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          Well Sarge, Appleton area way farther then where I am at. I am right outside the dells. My Property tax bill came in at $600 for the year. I have a 16 x 80 Mobile in a park that covers snow removal, garbage removal (($2.75 per can in IL), community well – no more water bill. I am 20 minutes from the Dells and about 35 from Portage. About 30 mins from Ho Chunk as I would have to drive through the Dells to get there.
          Its a tight community with good people there.
          Most importantly – NO MORTGAGE! I can drive my golf cart to the bar. My Brothers property tax is under $2K on the Lake Front. I dont think its that cold there. Some people just dont dress warm enough.

  • January 4, 2013 at 10:35 am
    FFA says:
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    @ Agent, Just another day in the life (business pulling out of IL). I knwo of a manufacturing plant in northern burbs been there for over 50 years. Currently building a plant in Tenn and pulling out of IL by year end. 200+ people hitting the unemployment line. Some have been there their entire working life. When they went to negotiate with the state / city hall / county, they all basiclly said good luck in Tenn.

    As far as Lovie goes, was not much of a surprise in Chicago. New GM wants his people in there. I think it was by design that he did not address the O Line. Set the O up for failure so the back lash of letting Lovie go would be minimalized. Now the roumer mill is churning that the Bears are set to offer the LOT in Miami big bucks to come to Chicago. I am sure thats #1 on Cutlers wish list.

    • January 4, 2013 at 11:55 am
      Agent says:
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      Lovie will land on his feet and get another job. The GM is the one who drafts and signs players, not the coach. That is what is wrong with Dallas. Jones is the GM and not very good at it. He needs to give that up and bring in a real football man who knows talent and not sign dysfuntional players. Garrett said he would not be opposed to giving up play calling. Look for Jones to bring Norv Turner back to be the Offensive Coordinator. I don’t know if these things will work, but obviously major changes need to be made.

      • January 4, 2013 at 12:49 pm
        FFA says:
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        The Turner Brothers never made anything of any opportunity they got. Lovies in Buffalo today interviewing. We had Ronas O corridinator in Chicago. Martz replaced him. Martz did not last long. Looking like Tice is going to be history too. Hate to see our D cordinator go, but likely will.
        Hester was on the news saying he may retire from the NFL over the Lovie thing. Thats would help out the Bears – get him off the Offensive Team. Never could catch a pass. His short arms over the middle never impressed any one.
        None the less, Vikes v Pack is going to be another great match up on Sat. Smash Mouth Power Football. Watch Ap shred the D and aaron Rodgers throw like there is no tomorrow.
        So, whos your fav for Come Back Player of the year? AP or Manning? h

        • January 7, 2013 at 12:15 pm
          Agent says:
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          FFA, who would have thought the Vikings would show up for a playoff game without a quarterback? They had virtually no chance of competing in that scenario. All the Packers had to do was load up to stop Peterson, because this qb they started hadn’t even played all year and had no idea what to do. The Texans managed to survive for another week barely but will be sent on vacation when they travel to Brady country. They may have had a chance playing at home, but blew the home field in the last 4 weeks of the season. I like the Seahawks a lot. They could have quit when RG111 put 14 up early, but didn’t and came back and won. He clearly was bothered by his knee and I hope he didn’t blow it up trying to play.

          • January 7, 2013 at 12:53 pm
            FFA says:
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            Starting the playoff is the wrong time for a new QB. Especially going into Green Bay. I cant believe your Texans blew the Home Field. Different story a Northern Team coming south then a Southern Team going north this time of year.
            There is just no quit in Seatle this year. Just keep plugging away waiting for their chance. Hopefully RG!! did not so some serious damage. I like watching him play.

            Lovie did not land in Buffalo. Hired sa college coach.

  • January 4, 2013 at 1:06 pm
    Agent says:
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    Lovie would be challenged making anything out of Buffalo. That is a wasteland for coaches and players. This guy Kelley who coaches Oregon will probably get a job. He is innovative and his players play hard for him. He made KState look pretty bad last night and I think KState was overrated since Baylor took them apart. I agree with you on Hester. Pretty good on Special Teams, but not a world beater as a receiver. The only player I remember having shorter arms was TO when he was with Dallas. He didn’t like going over the middle and having a safety ring him up so he couldn’t get his arms up to shoulder heighth. My pick for Come back player is Peterson. His knee was really blown up and he rehabbed it to lead the league in rushing and almost break the rushing record. I don’t know how he will do on the frozen tundra, but if he runs wild, the Vikings could pull it off. The Packers have fallen off some and Rodgers will have to do really good things for them to win.

  • January 4, 2013 at 1:45 pm
    FFA says:
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    Neither team would be where they are without their guy coming back in a big way.
    Before Lovie came to Chicago, we were the waste land.
    I thiought I caught on the news this morn that Kelley is headed in for an interview.

    • January 4, 2013 at 2:13 pm
      Agent says:
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      I heard Cleveland and Buffalo are both interviewing Kelley today out in Arizona. Both will have to make substantial offers since he is a hot commodity. Personally, I think San Diego would be a better fit since he is from the left coast. If Chicago did get in the sweep stakes, he might be able to do something assuming he can bring in his own staff and would have a say in who was drafted and signed. I promise you he will bring some excitement to the game no matter who he signs up with.

      • January 5, 2013 at 11:08 am
        FFA says:
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        I would love to see Cowher in here. reports from his camp “No Way”.
        So, mr Mckaskey needs to pony up some tall cash.

        • January 7, 2013 at 5:06 pm
          Agent says:
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          I think Cowher has been out of it a little too long and probably doesn’t want the pressure anymore. They really could use a younger coach and a younger team. Those veterans usually can’t last a season.

          • January 7, 2013 at 5:12 pm
            FFA says:
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            The Bears are interviewing a cordinator from Green Bay and one from Denver this week. I hope they dont land with the guy in Denver. Manning made him a topic of discussion. The guy from the Packers been at it for a while with the same talent which includes no running back.
            Even the best coach wont do well without an O Line.
            I heard Daniel Mannings name called several time in the Huston game.

          • January 7, 2013 at 5:47 pm
            Agent says:
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            You are right FFA. No team without an offensive line will go far. They tend to get their quarterback killed and the running backs can’t make it to the line of scrimmage before getting their bell rung. I can testify to this after watching the Cowboys and their dysfunctional line which led the world in false starts, holding calls and personal fouls. Those Seahawks are an aggressive bunch and young and can either protect or open holes. They may go a long ways after all is said and done.

          • January 8, 2013 at 4:33 pm
            FFA says:
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            And now the Bears are interviewing Mike SIngletary.

          • January 8, 2013 at 5:25 pm
            Agent says:
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            FFA, your comment about the Bears interviewing Singletary is interesting. He is certainly a Bear having been a star for them in the glory years. I think he is a good coach, but it all comes down to who is drafted and signed and if they don’t plug the holes in their offensive line and replace a few of the veterans who are now injury prone, they aren’t going to make it no matter who the coach is. Dallas needs to replace about half their team and do what Seattle has done, have a bunch of hungry young guys who will do whatever it takes to win. Romo is not it and won’t be, but he is Jones darling. I think it is time Stephen McGee from A&M get a shot. He is bigger, more mobile and has the arm. He has been holding the clip board long enough, but he won’t get a chance unless Romo gets hurt.

          • January 9, 2013 at 1:26 pm
            FFA says:
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            Singletary worries me. He did not get the job done in SF. HArbaugh takes over the same talent and now they are a playoff team to be dealt with.

  • January 5, 2013 at 3:02 pm
    Libby says:
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    Sorry for my absence guys. Time off for the holidays and all… I’m as disgusted with this bill as you are. I’m sick of Washington putting patch jobs on the problem and not solving anything. Tey all need to be fired.

    • January 7, 2013 at 10:31 am
      Agent says:
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      Yes Libby, all my employees checks are a little lighter now that the Social Security has gone up and taken from their income. I seem to remember that this President said he wouldn’t raise the Middle Class taxes one red cent. I think taxes have gone up for 77% of all Americans. Even worse, they aren’t through and are busy thinking of new taxes to levy. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? They think they can tax their way to prosperity and not cut the out of control spending. We are well on our way to a new and deeper recession. It may be time for tar and feathers.

      • January 7, 2013 at 11:21 am
        Ron says:
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        Actually, taxes for the middle class are the same or lower since he was elected in 2008. It was the stimulus package that he pushed for and Republicans pushed against that included the 2% reduction in Social Security taxes. That was designed to be temporary when signed.

        • January 7, 2013 at 2:12 pm
          Agent says:
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          Just wait until all the Obamacare taxes hit and see how “stimulated” this economy will be. They increased taxes $41 for every $1 in spending cuts. Hmm! What is wrong with this picture? Nancy Pelosi said she wasn’t getting enough revenue and we need to increase taxes even more. Tax your way to prosperity. That is the mantra of the Democratic Party. Something tells me that theory is a bit flawed.

    • January 7, 2013 at 1:39 pm
      FFA says:
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      Hope you had a good break from the work a day hum brum. Business as usual in Washington Politics. Got about the same crap happening in Springfield.

    • January 9, 2013 at 3:21 pm
      Agent says:
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      FFA, I think a lot of it depends on who the assistants are and how the team drafts and signs players. Singletary is a disciplinarian and demanding, but I think SF was not quite there on players when he was there. They have added several new ones who have made a difference. That new QB they started 5 or 6 games ago has really made a difference in the offense. Before, it was kind of hit and miss and inconsistent.

      By the way, I see that that head of the teachers union in Chicago wants the wealthy to get their head chopped off. She is a real sweetheart, isn’t she?

  • January 7, 2013 at 2:13 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    Hang on folks, the tax monster is not done. I read this morning that our liar in Chief is going to come to the people asking for more taxes as they try to manipulate a deal so they don’t have to change any funding to illegals, welfare and medicaid and any other deadebat they can think of.

    • January 7, 2013 at 3:49 pm
      Agent says:
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      Sargent, When I heard Joe Biden say during the campaign that he and Obama were going to raise taxes $1 Trillion, I got the message and knew he was serious. Apparently, 50 million Morons didn’t get the message. We are going to see tax after tax imposed on us to fund all these imbecilic programs and almost nothing will be cut from the budget, assuming there will be a budget. As you know, they like continuing resolutions a lot because they can hide the truth to the people about how bad the spending problem is.

      • January 7, 2013 at 4:22 pm
        FFA says:
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        An honest politicia. HMMM.

        • January 7, 2013 at 4:58 pm
          Agent says:
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          I don’t think anyone would conclude that Joe Biden is an honest politician, but when it comes to taxing and spending, he is right on the mark. It is too bad that people just laugh it off and say that it was just Joe being Joe. Remember when he whispered in the ear of the President that Obamacare was a BFD? His hairplugs are imbedded in his brain. He has been on the government dole his whole life and thinks government is the only solution to problems, just like his boss.

          • January 7, 2013 at 5:09 pm
            FFA says:
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            Honest to the point he said they were going to raise taxes and he is doing just that.

  • January 7, 2013 at 2:18 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    The Chicago 2011 Murder Analysis Report is available online at:

    Handgun- 351 murders
    Shotgun- 5
    Other/unknown- 5
    Total 362

    The 2012 report will not be available for a while but the total number for 2012 is, I think 533?

    The 2011 report details 433 murders that occurred in 2011, 362 of which were committed with firearms. Page 22 of that report gives the following breakdown:

    So exactly how much of a problem do “assault rifles” present in Chicago? Based upon the city’s own figures, there is only one documented murder committed in Chicago with a rifle. Note, they do not claim that to be an “assault rifle.” Giving the city the benefit of the doubt, assuming that it was in fact an “assault rifle,” that accounts for 0.0231% of the total murders. Yet the Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy would have you believe that the “assault rifle” legislation is of prime importance for the safety of our citizens.

    Common sense gun legislation or political agenda? You be the judge.

  • January 7, 2013 at 2:23 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    By the way, Chicago has one of the toughest if not the toughest handgun laws in the country. If you are a cpl holder from out of state, you can’t even travel though Ill with a gun in the car. It has to be unloaded in the trunk. The clip or ammunition has to be in another secure carrier on the otherside of the trunk. The crime rate is one of the highest in the country. What a great example of gun control.

    • January 7, 2013 at 3:12 pm
      Agent says:
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      I hear there are 10 separate gun control laws in the hopper in this Congress. Gun control does not stop the shootings. It just makes the criminals more bold. Chicago is a prime example. I hope that newspaper in NY gets put out of business for publishing the legal gunowners names and addresses. All it will take is the businesses to stop advertising in the paper and they will go away within 6 months.

  • January 7, 2013 at 4:29 pm
    FFA says:
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    Per the news, over 500 murders last year in Chciago, highest in a long time.
    Rahm dismanteled the Gang Task force. The rate jumped. McCarthy thinks they got a good handle on it.
    Rahm any sense, he would bring in the guy from Aurora, IL. He attacked the recruitment method and new members in gangs fell. Got to it before it became a problem. What a novel idea. Made an enviroment that discussiojn on gun controll was unnecessary.
    So, the rest of the state sufffers again because Chicago. Cant wait till I have to pay a tax to bail out the damn parking meter mess.

    • January 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hey FFA, what about this guy in Chicago that won a sizable lottery prize and was poisoned with Cyanide? Is this the Chicago way?

      • January 8, 2013 at 4:02 pm
        FFA says:
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        Nothing for sure as of last night. They are going to exhume the body and run tox tests on it. That would be my luck. I would wing something big and then drop dead.

  • January 7, 2013 at 5:49 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    On Face the Nation this past Sunday, Nancy Pelosi said that there is a need to generate more tax revenue (tax increases) and said she would not rule out anything. I also read where Dic Durbin is talking about a “gas emissions” tax. So if you drive a car you will pay a tax on the amount of emissions it produces so Agent your Pickup and SUV buddies in Texas are going to get the hammer.

    They were also talking about a federal gun tax on the sale of all guns. Also, the family exemption will fade away so every family with chuldren still at home will take that hit. I guess Libby will be proud she voted for the man who was going to take care of the middle class.

    • January 7, 2013 at 6:14 pm
      Agent says:
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      Sargent, I don’t know if the secession deal will gain more traction although the Texas Constitution does permit it. I guess it depends on how bad it gets with the Federal Government. Texas is doing reasonably well economically and has created a lot of jobs and unemployment rate is about 6% even with the flood of illegals that have swum the river. The state legislature expects to have a surplus this year to add to the rainy day fund. We may need it at some point. The surplus is even with no State Income Tax. Gee, how did we manage that? Could it be that we are exploring for energy and producing to get all that income?

      • January 8, 2013 at 12:55 pm
        Sargent Major says:
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        Agent, So how does the state deal with the illegals and still maintian a surplus and no state income tax? Also, how are they going to stop the influx of illegals so that they stop the drain on the TX economy? If you look at California, they are broke by catering to illegal aliens who may not have swum the river but jack rabitted the desert. They send their kids to California schools for free, put them on the free lunch program, sign up for CA emergency assitance (welfare and medicaid) give them drivers licenses etc. If you are an American, try that in Mexico. You will end up in a Mexican prison chained to a stool. I have a friend who lives in San Diego and says that illegal aliens run through the yards in many parts of the area.

        • January 8, 2013 at 2:31 pm
          Agent says:
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          Sargent, I venture to say if Texas didn’t have the illegal alien problem, the unemployment rate would be 3-4%. Some areas are worse than others. Houston & San Antonio have large populations of illegals and are practically sanctuary cities. The north and west part of the state doesn’t have the same problem. Basically, the state has a surplus because there is a lot of business here. Many large companies are headquartered here and they employ a lot of people. We have a very large well developed oil and gas industry and a manufacturing base. A lot of cities do very well on sales tax revenue and property taxes. On top of that, Texas has learned to live within their means and although there are some unions around, it is a right to work state which attracts business from all over the country. Many companies from the left coast have moved here to survive. Texas also has incentives like tax abatement for companies to open up here. Is it any wonder they have led the country in job creation for many years? Conservative government also is a big help, unlike the north blue states who thinks they have to tax their way to prosperity.

  • January 7, 2013 at 5:51 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    Hey agent, I heard about the group in Texas that wants a peaceful sucession from the rest of the US. Is this a joke or is this getting traction?

    • January 10, 2013 at 4:22 pm
      FFA says:
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      Someone needs to stand up and say Enough is Enough!

      • January 10, 2013 at 5:27 pm
        Agent says:
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        Hi FFA. Remember the movie “Network” when Peter Finch famously said – We are mad as he– and we aren’t going to take it anymore. I think the American People who are suffering from what is going on with this country are very frustrated and mad. My employees are having an extra 2% deducted from their checks now which is about $2,000 per year they won’t have to spend. We add up all the additional taxes Democrats will be imposing and the population will get even madder. With no spending cuts going on with the Feds, they think they can do whatever they want without consequences. If they try to do gun confiscation by executive fiat, there will be big trouble. 2013 promises to be even more volatile than 2012 if that is possible.

        • January 11, 2013 at 3:00 pm
          FFA says:
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          My brain tells me your right on. My heart and soul hope your as wrong as could be. Talk about inner conflict.

          • January 11, 2013 at 4:10 pm
            Agent says:
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            I hope I am wrong too FFA. I am very tired of all these things coming down which will surely ruin the country. I would much rather concentrate on my business and make it successful and work with my customers. Our personal Liberty is what we hold dear. When that is taken away, what will be left? Do you want to live like the people in Venezuela do? I certainly don’t and also don’t want to be demonized for being successful.

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