Academy Journal

How should insurance commissioners get the job?

By | January 29, 2020

  • January 29, 2020 at 2:42 pm
    Eddie Hall says:
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    I have the same feelings as the author. I’m in Georgia and we elect our commissioner, but the problem here is that no one knows the candidates and most don’t care so the incumbent get elected. Another problem in Georgia is that the majority of the population is in north Georgia, the Atlanta area, so the candidates don’t campaign in south Georgia. I contracted with a company whose home office in Ohio and they constantly complained that they couldn’t get anything approved in Georgia but were successful getting products approved in states that had an appointed commissioner. For example they had been successful getting bi peril rating in states with appointed commissioners but couldn’t get it approved in Georgia. There are companies that are fair and ethical with their dealings with insureds but there are companies that aren’t and some of the names of the companies that aren’t fair and ethical will surprise you. The last eight years in Georgia we have had a commissioner that let’s the companies do what they want to do. I have helped many insureds file complaints with the commissioner but it is a waste of time.

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