The Lowdown: Share The ABCs of Job Site Safety

Of the 200 fatalities under investigation by OSHA during the first 8 months of 2018, these terms appear in 148 of those deaths,- accidentally crushed, struck or fell from, fell off of, fell into…or something fell onto a person. Behind these statistics, you will find much more when reading the descriptions and number of citations resulting from the investigations you can review on the site.

As this week’s Research & Trends report will share, companies can improve the safety of their employees, and it’s been well documented by Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC). In their recent report, ABC 2018 Safety Performance Report, ABC has tracked the improvements in safety at companies instituting specific safety standards and practices and has identified an 85% reduction in the total recordable incident rate (TRIR) with these measures. The conclusion? Companies can be 670% safer than the industry average by following the guidelines outlined in their program, STEP.

(Marketing Note: How to use this report? Share it with prospects and clients, quote from it on your own social media, as it is full of interesting statistics.)

Here’s the lowdown on ABC 2018 Safety Performance Report:

Page 3: A great info graphic of the overall benefit experienced by participating companies in the STEP program along with the inspiring quote, “It’s more than possible. It’s doable.”

Page 4: There are 3 fatal injuries in the construction industry every day, illustrated using an info graphic and definitions.

Page 7: An overview of the STEP program and the increase in safety at each level completed (reaching 670% greater safety than the industry average at the highest level of completion).

Page 9: C-suite engagement produces a 70% reduction in TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate), listing 6 success behaviors of the c-suite.

Page 10: Employee participation reduces TRIR and DART (Days Away Restricted or Transfer), offering 4 keys to success.

Page 11-20: 6 Core Leading Indicators that have the most impact on safety performance, including specific actions to be taken and benefits gained.

Page 22-23: Glossary of common terms which will help you speak the safety language to your prospects and clients.

While this report and the STEP program are designed for the builder and contractor industry, these insights and suggestions are great takeaways for the decision makers in any industry concerned about job safety and offers a reason to reach out to clients and prospects you haven’t spoken with recently.

Happy reading – Pam Simpson