Client Connections – Are You Taking Full Advantage of Your Digital Options?

Calling All Independent Agents!

This week we’re running a survey, sponsored by Providence Bank Agency Finance. The survey asks 10 questions about how you connect to your clients and market your agency. I want to encourage you to take the survey as the results will be revealed to you at the end. It’s always helpful to know what your peers are up to and where you stand relative to them. Interested? Click here.

Though I don’t want to give away the results before you take the survey, I’ve got a few links to share based upon the trends I’m seeing among independent agents responding thus far:

You’ve got Facebook down…but not Instagram, so here’s a helpful article from ITC. Instagram is a missed opportunity and I guarantee there’s someone in your office who’s already managing a very successful personal account and would gladly manage the agency account too!

You’re definitely social, but topics can be hard to come by to keep those social media posts fresh and interesting.

Why is your website just average? I searched for a website assessment for your average websites in hopes of shedding light on areas you might improve. I found the following criteria useful in a blog by New Horizons Insurance Marketing. If you’re site fails to meet some of the criteria below, add these fixes to your New Year’s Resolution list.

How well is your website functioning?
Is the website mobile-friendly?
Is the loading time 5 seconds or less?
Is the navigation user-friendly and straightforward?

How appealing is your site to visit?
Are the fonts readable?
Are the pictures and graphics clear, appealing, and appropriate to the topic at hand?
Is the copy writing appropriate, free of errors, and appealing to consumers?
Is the design generally appealing? I.e: Not overwhelming, simple, and modern?

Is your content well developed?
Is there a description of service?
Is there an About page?
Is there a photo of the agent?
Are there any custom-made videos?
Are there links to social media?
Is there a FAQ/SAQ page?
Is there a blog or some type of helpful, written material?
Are there testimonials or reviews?

How easy is it to connect with you?
Is there a Contact form?
Is there a Request a Quote button?
Is the visitor’s email collected?
Is there an auto-response when the visitor’s email is collected?
Is there a calendar to schedule an appointment?

If by now your interest is peaked, I do hope you will share your thoughts on how your agency is using digital technology to grow your business and remain connected to clients. Click here to take the survey, sponsored by Providence Bank Agency Finance. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential.

Thank you! – Pam Simpson