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Disability Model Indemnity Plan?

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:03 am
by robmejia
According to Robyn I. Stone, a renowned researcher on aging and long term care, the disability model indemnity plan, also known as the cash plan appeals to both the senior population and disabled people under age 65 because it allows them more flexibility in dealing with their health care needs. It will pay the insured individual his maximum benefit amount regardless of his actual expenses on care and it wouldn’t even matter if the insured received care from a licensed caregiver, licensed nurse, or from a family member.

Owners of the disability model have the freedom to choose their care providers and decide how much to pay for the services that they receive. As a matter of fact, they can use their insurance benefits to pay kindhearted family members who attend to their needs and shoulder the responsibilities of a professional caregiver in order to ensure their comfort, safety and satisfaction.

Because it offers flexibility, freedom and satisfaction, a disability model indemnity plan is pricier than other types of LTCI policies but if you have the cash to spend for such product, why not take some time off your busy schedule so that you can contact your LTCI representative to discuss a possible coverage.