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Why Subscribe to a Long Term Care Newsletter

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:15 am
by robmejia
Long Term Care Newsletter

Perhaps if everybody in the country subscribes to an LTC newsletter it will not take long before we see a reduction in Medicaid’s beneficiaries. At present, majority of LTC recipients are relying on the said federal and state regulated health insurance program for their health care needs.

Only a tiny fraction of America’s population pays for care out-of-pocket or with private insurance. As a matter of fact, the records of long term care insurance (LTCI) companies have revealed that only about 10% of the country’s total population has managed to secure LTCI policies.

Families are encouraged to subscribe to an LTC newsletter the same way they would to their favorite broadsheet, cable company, Internet radio, and online music service so that discussing their future health care will come naturally and not require so much effort.

Some LTC newsletters would even feature regularly the juxtaposition of people with LTC plans and those who failed to work on theirs, and how their decisions eventually affected their families.