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Need wholesaler for NJ Main street products and biz, workman

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:45 pm
by fnaprime
I am in NEED of a wholesaler that can help our agency market products in NEW JERSEY!!! Yes I said NJ, which seems to make insurers run! I need a wholesaler for main street products and specialty also. I have a workman's comp case I can't place. Contractor - lawn maintenance. 600k payroll.
Any ideas? :?:

Need wholesaler in NJ

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:07 am
by csr@ramt
Have you tried Sovereign Insurance. They are a wholesaler located in NJ and offer a good amount of coverages and represent many Insurance Carriers.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:12 pm
by pdiroquois
Check out the Iroquois Group ( I manage NJ and can offer some standard markets where you deal directly with the carriers, not a middleman. Also, a much better commission split than just about anyone else on the street. Feel free to call me (609-585-0737) or email me ( - Philip -

Standard Markets in NJ

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:50 pm
by ewguva
I am president of AgentSecure and we are the only market access program that provides REAL-TIME bindable quotes back to you online within 10 minutes.

We write with national carriers and have over 900 classes of business available.

Please find more information at or call me at 817.804.7023.


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:57 am
by pdiroquois
Just wanted to respond to the the Agent Secure statement about being the only market access program that provides real time bindable quotes.

With Iroquois, our members have online access DIRECTLY with the carriers WITH BINDING AUTHORITY AND REAL TIME QUOTING - on the company's web interface, not someone else's. Plus, our members can call their underwriter whenever they need (the company underwriter, not a third party), receive in person training from the carriers' marketing reps, share in profit sharing, have their name and phone number on the dec pages, and have access to middle market and large commercial in addition to small commercial. Plus our members own their expirations.

Nothing against Agent Secure - our members are certainly free to utilize their services as well - but it's not true that they're the only market access program with real time quoting. Iroquois members can enjoy the same real time access that Agent Secure offers. And much more.