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Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:53 am
by scott

Due respect... Move on. You have your score (P). Focus on the next thing.

In my free teleseminar on How To Master Your Time I call this, "The thick of thin things."

Obviously the institute keeps track of high scores. They have been giving out awards forever on that basis. You talked with a bonehead. Shrug and keep going.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:15 am
by joel66
yes, I understand about moving on, but at the same time, I was a little upset with the consistencies I have experienced with my conversations with them over the past few weeks. Either way, 70 or 100% I'm just glad I passed that exam.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:27 am
by prezzoo
I got my score back less than 24 hours after taking my CPCU test this weekend. The 1-2 weeks may be a buffer in case they are running behind?

While saying someone did the CPCU program in less than a year sounds sexy, I think it's not normal by any stretch. Yes! You can make millions selling vacuums door to door! Somebody did it, does that mean you'll be able to? I wouldn't be. We had a wholesaler come to our office who did his CPCU in 8 months... he told us he has a photographic memory and really didn't need to study at all in college. For each test he would study all night, go in the next morning and crank it out.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:32 am
by scott
The other old-timers will recall waiting months for the results of the CPCU essay exams.

The key to education and knowledge is what you do with it. As in almost all things, inputs are less important that outcomes.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:42 am
by hhrchevy
Hi Joel, most of the people who would have the correct info at AICPCU are at the convention in Denver so it might not be the best time to ask questions on the exams/scoring. Better wait until next week when the CSR has somewhere to transfer the call for the real answer.

I was just glad to get the passing notice, but I do understand wanting to have the high score recognition when earned. This is something that should be publicized (how to find out the ranking) since it gets recogntion at the conference each year. I was surprized that someone got the whole thing done in 4 months. That would not have been possible years ago when you could only take the exam twice a year.

Good luck on your quest in getting the CPCU in 12-18 months. I am pulling for you and will be watching the IJ blog to see how you are doing!!!!

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:27 am
by joel66
yeah, 4 months is insane for 8 exams. I think it would take me about 3 weeks to complete the flash cards for each of the online chapter exams and course guide review questions and read the book doing this chapter at a time, and another 2 to 4 weeks reviewing those flash cards and reading some of the pages that pertains to my flash cards that I don't understand. I'm looking at 5 to 7 weeks per exam, but that is based on 25 hours per week studying and making sure I have a good handle on all 15 chapters.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:13 pm
by annlyon
Although test completers do not get to see their own scores, the institutes do keep records of what the actual scores are and compile the results to come up with the top achievers. The CPCU designations were awarded at the ceremony by the AICPCU at the CPCU annual meeting in Denver. They honor the top three achievers, but no scores are mentioned. It sounds like the contact you spoke with at the Institutes was misinformed about how things work.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:52 am
by AlstonCPCU
I was also in Denver for the CPCU meetings. I was in line for tour tickets at the US Mint. The lady who passed the CPCU in 4 months was in line with me. Let's just say she had the energy and motivation to do it, based on my 5 minute reading of her personality.

I applaud those who can pass the tests very quickly. It is possible if you are willing to put your life on hold for a little while. I took 3 years to do my CPCU designation, but I was also coaching my twin daughters' soccer team and working as a musician at my church in addition to my job. Balance is important. Getting the CPCU and actually learning something was important to me. Doing it over a 3 year period and using the work experience along with it was invaluable. I'm actually glad I didn't cram it or use gimmicky study guides. Read the books - find the answers - learn. You will not regret it. Have patience.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:16 pm
by joel66
I took CPCU 551 on 10/15 and just checked the site and shows I passed. I found 551 to be a little more difficult for me than 510. Hoping to be ready for 552 exam by 12/01. I will say after completing 510 and 551, you only need the text book and course guide to complete these exams. With the review questions on the course guide and SMART practice test, you should have more than enough information to get ready for the test. By the time I was done for 551, I had like 458 flash cards created from my notes for the test and recognized all the questions.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:51 pm
by ekaye
Yes, it is absolutely possible to complete the entire program in 12-18 months. I did it in 16 months spending 8 weeks on each segment. The key is being disciplined enough to study a little bit each day and to perform the sample tests after each chapter to ensure comprehension of the material. The other thing to do is to not listen to people who tell stories about not doing well on the tests! These people do not have your resolve or positive attitude. The trip to Hawaii in 2007 for the Annual Meeting and of course to actually possess the designation was my reward for all of the hard work. It was well worth the effort.
Best of luck to you!

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:36 am
by joel66
Thanks for the info ekaye. I just passed CPCU 552 on 12/07 and hoping to take 520 on 01/15.

It might take me 10 to 12 weeks for the remaining three exams after I complete 520 on 01/15, because I'm starting my MBA in Finance starting January 4th. My goal for 2010 is to complete both CPCU and ARM-E while pursuing my MBA.

I must say, I wish I had started on CPCU years ago. Much of what I have already learned is helping me in my current job and this is after being in claims for 18 years. I'm hoping in the next two years I can transition into Risk/Financial Analyst position.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:21 pm
by miterin_insurance
I just began my first course (Foundations of Risk Manag.) and purchased a text with all study materials. From working in Insurance Industry for the past 8 years and B.S. degree I find some of this coursework very elementary and repetitive.

Has anyone with similar experience got away with just using Review Notes without purchasing a text and other study materials? Thank You for your input.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:32 am
by joel66
miterin_insurance wrote:I just began my first course (Foundations of Risk Manag.) and purchased a text with all study materials. From working in Insurance Industry for the past 8 years and B.S. degree I find some of this coursework very elementary and repetitive.

Has anyone with similar experience got away with just using Review Notes without purchasing a text and other study materials? Thank You for your input.
I have been doing insurance claims for 18 years and know that review notes for me would not cut it. On CPCU essay based questions, I had to approach it differently.

For CPCU 510, I initially bought the Review notes, but decided not to buy it for rest. I found the course guide and SMART practice exams were the best in preparation for the exams. I strongly suggest you read the text book, because it gives you a lot of good examples on the subject. When I first started, I read the text book and review notes and totally bombed the first practice test. I realized that I had to spend more time on the course guide and focus on the Review and Application questions. I also went to the SMART practice exam and selected the "Review Questions by Assignment."

If I had to do CPCU 510 over again, I would do the following.
1. Read Textbook Chapter 1
2. Read the Course Guide "review questions" and "application questions" several times.
3. Go to SMART Online and select "Review Questions By Assignment" and select chapter 1 and click radio button "Full" and exam name, I would name it CPCU 510 - chapter 1 and test the chapter 1 test.
4. Repeat process 1 to 3 for remaining chapters

I would make flash cards on those questions I was stuck on. Reason being, some of the questions, you would need to know the four steps of this, or 5 steps of that and required some memorization.

I found 510 to be the easiest, and maybe you can get away with just course guide and SMART online and read the chapters you need help on. As for 551 and 552, I know I had to read the textbook.

I'm currently on 520 and doing the above steps for my studying.

If you are curious on how the test looks like, you can go to SMARTonline and click on "Click here to print that exam" and you can see how the questions appear.

Re: CPCU - complete 12-18 months?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:58 pm
by BostonInsurance
I think you can finish the program substantially faster than 12-18 months if you really focus your attention. I am on track to finish in less than 3 months. Preparation is taking me about 25 hours per exam (applying laser focus to make the most of my study time). I actually think it's easier to do them faster - some of the frameworks/materials repeat from exam to exam, and I recognize those repetitions because I have seen the material recently.