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Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:53 am
by goodluck88
Wow, thanks everyone for the responses. College students buy used books all the time so that can't be illegal, unless you signed something or electronically agreed to not to resell certain works, like E-Books.

On another note, I used both Keir and AICPCU materials for my ARM and found the AICPCU study aids better and more up to date. I was so fustrated with the Keir material because I think there were some incorrectly worded questions and answers, and I kept failing their practice exams. Usually I'm very good at taking tests. So with 3 days to go before my exam, I called AICPCU, explained my dilemma. They were very understanding and rushed me their study aids. With one day to study the new material, I passed in the ninety percentile. From now on, only AICPCU material for me.

Now that I have my ARM designation, I am trying to get my CPCU in less than a year.

The reason I want to buy used AICPCU study materials from previous CPCU students is because I am trying to take several courses at the same time, and have to pay out of my own pocket.

So I am willing to pay a rental fee also for those of you not willing to part with your books. I will sign a rental contral, put down a deposit. How about that for a novel idea? anyone out there willing to think outside the box and have a leap of faith to help me out?

Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:04 pm
by InsMgmt
goodluck88 wrote:Now that I have my ARM designation, I am trying to get my CPCU in less than a year.


Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:21 am
by pita3333
InsMgmt wrote:
goodluck88 wrote:Now that I have my ARM designation, I am trying to get my CPCU in less than a year.

A collector of titles rather than a collector of knowledge and ability? (stepping down off my soapbox)

Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:15 am
by joel66
pita3333 wrote:
InsMgmt wrote:
goodluck88 wrote:Now that I have my ARM designation, I am trying to get my CPCU in less than a year.

A collector of titles rather than a collector of knowledge and ability? (stepping down off my soapbox)

I would like to respond to this based on my viewpoint. Of course, I cannot speak for goodluck88, but based on my other post asking if it was possible to complete in 12 to 18 months. For myself, I am not looking to fast track this CPCU like people were doing with MCSE's during the late 90s/early 2000, but looking at spending the same amount of time and effort when I was taking 12-15 units of college course while working fill time.

I have been handling personal, commercial auto and general liability claims for 18 years and it was not until I reached the big "40" that I realized how important education is not only for self enrichment, but to further my career to another level. I am not looking to collect titles, but spend enough time to thoroughly read the content and understand the educational objectives and complete the courses and be well prepared when I go for my graduate degree in risk management, as well as teach courses.

When I first started this journey, my initial study preparation was completely wrong because I was trying to focus on just the test date, and not like a lot of people suggested on this forum, is to relax and focus on understanding the educational objections. Of course, I was kidding myself thinking I could do this every 4 weeks. I realistically think that studying at least 20 hours per week for 6 to 8 weeks is still possible to still gain the knowledge necessary to teach other people in the future and benefit from the courses I am learning from CPCU.


Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:42 am
by hhrchevy
One of Bill Cosby's old comedy routines started out with "When I graduated from college I went into the service because all of the drop outs had the jobs." I am finding that niche experience outweights all of my alphabet soup (CPCU, CLU, CIC, Masters degree). I took considerable time and effort mastering the information for the designations (in fact, when I started you could only take CLU/CPCU twice a year). My advice? Keep racking up experience for your resume and get the designations as an aside. I may sound bitter but I am being interviewed by the dardest people who through attrition got some high level management jobs just by sticking around. Most are thumbing their noses at my education through either wondering why I am having such a hard time getting a job or worried that if they hire me I may be after theirs.

The experience is much more important than the designations so if you can find an easy, cheap and quick way to get
them-- do it!!

Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:19 am
by scott

I understand your point and hear your frustration. However, how do you gauge experience by looking at a resume?

How do I know if you have 15 years of experience or 1 year of experience 15 times?

I think a track record of taking classes and earning industry designations tells me something about the person. Most people who move through CIC, CPCU, IIA, ARM, CRM... are people dedicated to the industry and at improving themselves.

Are designations enough to get you your dream job? Clearly not. It is absurd to think so. It sounds like you have met with some of the clueless who can not spot your talent and potential. Timing and luck have a great deal to do with job-hunting success, unfortunately.

Here is a white-paper on job hunting I wrote in the last downturn and recently revised. Some have found it helpful. Best of luck.

Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:42 am
by joel66
I remember last year talking with a recruiter about a possible interview for a General Liability position. She read my resume and was impressed by the amount of experience I had, which included 10+ years on handling litigated cases. We even had a phone interview in which we went over my background and answering situational questions. She also mentioned how the hiring manager was eager to get the appointment scheduled for the interview. As soon as she glanced at the education section of my resume, she noticed I didn't have a 4-year degree. All of a sudden the conversation went sour. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a non-degree applicant, you don't meet the minimum requirements for the job." I almost fell off my chair because we had several phone conversations and it was never brought up. In my 18 years in the claims business, my education was never questioned because of the actual claims experience and already had my SCLA and completed other AICPCU courses. It seems you will always have people from both sides that says you have too much or too less education.

Re: Looking to buy used CPCU study materials

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:34 am
by InsMgmt
Scott Simmonds, CPCU, ARM, CMC
Insurance Assurance Consultant
Insurance Consulting Site
Insurance Career Mentoring Site
Insurance Blog

Six Figure Insurance Commissions - Pub Date 9/30/09

Hearkening to the spirit of the original subject line, " materials"

If anyone purchases Scott's "Six Figure Commissions", please contact me when you are ready to sell it. I'll purchase the paper for $5 less than you paid, and, once I've made a copy, I will post it online when I'm finished for $5 less, etc., etc.

Scott, you understand, right? Recession and all. :wink: