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Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:31 am
by sethm
We've been using social media sites in marketing and promotion, and it's been great so far. I think social media marketing (through FB, Twitter, etc.) is here to stay. Facebook, in particular, offers many ways to get the word out and bring the people in.

Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:58 am
by JasonBHBCo
If you'd like to share what is working with you, and more importantly, like to hear what works at other agencies (and companies), I invite you to participate in a short survey we put together. The survey covers the use of social media and online marketing and will help (the collective) us gather useful, real data on what the industry is doing in this area.
All responses (and your information) is strictly private, but once we analyze and collate all the responses, we will publish the results to everyone who participated (and answered at least a majority of the questions!) ... -Real-Deal
I thank you in advance for your participation (if you choose to do so)!

Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:34 pm
by IndependentAgent
You are 100% dead right! If you are not marketing, in a creative way, you may not be around very long. Good ideas.


Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:09 am
by FFA
FFA wrote:1) Cole X Date Services. 200+ monthly mailing.
2) When I write one, I do Neighbor Hood Marketing. Back to Cole Services for 100 of their closest neighbors telling them exactly how much their neighbors saved mailing.
3) Newspapers do blasts to every HH in my County and all surounding. For $220.00 it gets to 40K HH.
4) Referral Group - LeTip International.
5) 200+ letters mailed out on commercial prospects followed by phone calls by the 1st date of every month over two states. Generating over $20K in NB Premium Monthly. It works. They just need to do it.
6) Trade Shows. Have three scheduled through 1st Quater. I need better results. Could be on the chopping block.
7) Plaza Activity (I came up with the name). I set up a tent in the town plaza and give away trinkets, Hot Chocolate - Hot Dogs during the summer and run a TV raffle. I have three such events through 1st half on the radar.
8) I am in the process of firing up a program to market to Banquet Halls
9) E Mail Marketing. In the Mid West, its LandScaper Season begining Feb 1 through Mid May. Have staff populating that as we speak.
I guess its more then 6. It keeps me busy. Keeps my producers producing . Keeps my staff staffing. as usual, never enough.

Nothing nobody can not figure out from their Community College Education.

When one falls on its face, the other is there to pick it up. Every so often, they all click on all cylinders, but not often enough. I've been at this for too long to keep working this hard! Another 24 months, time to reduce staff and marketing and just ride the wave of renewals to retirement.
Since this post,
I have changed things. Print Ad is dead, no more for me.
I got out of the referral group. I just had too much gong on.
Still work Cole Info services. Does wonders.
The Free Home Shows flopped. Only home show that turned out to be worth the time is the one that charges for admission.
My Plaza activity produces results every time.
EMAil Marketing keep going along.
I started Face Book too.

Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:00 am
by robmejia
All these marketing strategies will only be effective if paired with hardwork and dedication. A good agent, after all, succeeds when he puts his heart in his work and does all means to close a deal.

Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:13 pm
by Detroitgirl
I'm not sure how you measure how well social media works. Are you getting clients who say they came to you because of twitter or facebook?

Also, how damaging are any negative postings? Everyone has that client/customer where you've done all you could.

I just came back from an 'expo'. I expect to get some follow-up; but these are only good for me if I only pay as much for the space as I am willing to waste. They are also starting to feel like 'us vendors' are paying to meet each other.

I like the 'plaza' idea. More direct, one-on-one.

Re: Marketing Marketing Marketing

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:45 am
by chizcurlz
This is also the reason why I love doing Search Engine Marketing not only as a job but it is like an art. For me, internet marketing is really challenging.