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Create Your Own Sales Surge for 2010

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:07 am
by scott
--Forget Networking and Build Your Network - This is the year for you to dedicate yourself to referrals. Build a referral process.

--Pick A Niche - While most of us need to offer broad services, profit comes from a specialty. Find an area of insurance where you ARE the expert.

--Cultivate Centers of Influence - A few well placed raving fans can move your business past ordinary.

--Be Remarkable - Boring is a vice in business. Be worthy of remark.

--Get a Mentor - The great in every profession have mentors to help, guide, and goad. Different prospectives expand your insight without the pain of personal experience.

--Show Integrity - Our business requires strong ethical leadership. Stand out.

--Instill trust - Without the trust of clients and colleagues your relationships are built on sand.