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Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:16 am
by Josh
Share your sales tips for a chance to make the pages of Insurance Journal magazine!

Insurance Journal's August 16 magazine issue will include a special feature "101 Sales and Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents".

Submissions should be a 1-2 sentence tip, no longer.

Attribution will be provided. Just email your tip(s) and your name/agency name/city/state to Andrea Wells

Post your submissions here or email Andrea directly.

ps: Email and we'll hook you up with a free digital edition of this issue. Include "free issue" in the subject line.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:02 am
by michga11
bump. good read.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:35 am
by insurancenewb
Robert Cialdini has some VERY GOOD thoughts when it comes to sales.

One tip: Perceptual contrast. Offer them something ugly at the beginning so then when you offer them the 'normal' offer they perceive it better than it actually is.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:34 pm
by Rainmaker
Research every lead or introduction so that you have a running start and can shape your approach mentioning specific points about that firm and how you might be of service to them. The most effective approaches have some element of specificity to the prospective client's situation obtained through basic research.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:34 pm
by Rainmaker
Book time every week, just like an appointment, dedicated to new client generation - and leave it as a standing appointment. Know matter how busy you get managing clients or attending to administrative issues, you'll always have that time dedicated to filling your pipeline.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:35 pm
by Rainmaker
Ask for 'introductions' not 'referrals' - introductions have less implied responsibility for a good connection being made and are easier to obtain.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:36 pm
by Rainmaker
At the most fundamental level, if you are increasing the number of people who know you and know what you do - you are winning!

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:58 am
by pita3333
Rainmaker wrote:Research every lead or introduction so that you have a running start and can shape your approach mentioning specific points about that firm and how you might be of service to them. The most effective approaches have some element of specificity to the prospective client's situation obtained through basic research.
Great Tips - this one is something that I do religiously before I pick up the phone. I check out their web page, LinkedIn profiles, Facebook profiles and a simple google search.

Helps me each time....

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:08 pm
by robertcbradley
Tell the truth.

Re: Share your sales tips and be in the magazine

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:18 pm
by lisapapp
Thank your customers with a real greeting card rather than just an email. Thank them for their business. Thank them for any referrals. Just thank them...and don't ask for more business or referrals in most of the thank you cards. You'll earn their referrals. I offer an easy-to-use, affordable, customizable, semi-automated tool to create real post cards and greeting cards that our company mails for you one-at-a-time or in bulk. You can also include gifts and gift cards. I know many insurance companies already have automated card sending programs. This service can supplement those programs. Please feel free to visit my website: or contact me for a free card sending demo. email: . Thank you for "letting" me share.