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American Interstate

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:37 am
by FFA
Is anyone out there having problems getting American Interstate (Amerisafe) to issue any policies? I am on a 0/37 slide with them. Cant seem to get a clear explanationas to why. I have over $150K in premiums with them and an unbelivable 0% loss ration. They call me a preferred agent as I comply with their submission goals and prep the prospect for the safety inspection, but get nothing from them.

Re: American Interstate

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:13 am
by RAM
We have an unbelievable relationship with Amerisafe and if this was brought to their attention, I am sure it would be taken care of immediately...Try contacting your local sales rep..

Jonathan Maloney
Risk Alternatives & Management

Re: American Interstate

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:42 am
by FFA
i am now 0/39 since my last post. i had a very good relationship with them alos - at one point touching $500k.

i have talked to local rep as well as internal marketing manager basiclly begging me not to roll my book. no one can give me a clear cut explanation. always vague. then they call me asking for submissions for the next cycle.

local rep shruggs his shoulders and states that the current market conditions.