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High Demand for Insurance Agencies Acquisitions

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:29 pm
by AgencyEquity
Insurance Agencies are high in demand at this time, potential buyers need to sell themselves. The prospects that get the most attention when responding to a listing are including information about themselves, the organization they represent (in most cases an existing insurance agency), and what kind of funding they have. Be patient and professional, prospective sellers do not always respond right away, it's best to wait a few days before sending another email. Existing Agency Principals and Agency Executives usually have the advantage of making an acquisition, most especially for agencies that are high in demand. Those who are not current agency principals have a much better chance at acquiring a Non-Standard Auto or Allstate Agency, short of that it's best to start an agency before having a shot at an acquisition. Do your due diligence and hire experience professionals to help you with any potential deal you may get involved in.