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SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:22 am
by landersinsurance
Does anyone buy backlinks to increase your insurance website's SEO? If so, where is a good place to start? I dont want to buy 1000 crappy links. I want to but like 1-5 really good ones (page rank 5 or better)...

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:30 am
by sankykid
Buying links is a questionable SEO tactic. Why not just do your best to produce quality content and hope that the links naturally follow?

After taking a look at your site's content and source code, I believe your current Google SERP position of 6 for "coeur d'alene insurance" and 4 for "landers insurance" could be improved by revising/improving both your content and source code, and will likely pay greater dividends than purchasing some links.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:25 am
by meytai
hey Lander..

Seriously.. follow this previously posters advice.. just having a blog has put me 1 and 2 in a particular category i was reaching for..

Just from having a blog!


Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:41 pm
by della

SEO is the only secret that enables us to reach high rankings quickly and naturally for competitive keywords. When the traffic on your site is increased it means that more and more visitors are interested in visiting your site. Another advantage is brand visibilty. Good quality of SEO service can make your company much loved amongst your visitors.


Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:32 am
by amcpeake
I would agree with the SEO argument. The most important thing for me has been having a strong Google Local Listing page that consistently ranks in the top three for my area when you seach for many different types of insurance. I was only able to do this because of proffessionals that taught me how to do it. Just plugging in your relavent info, haphazardly does not work. I am an insurance agent not an internet marketing expert so I needed help.

The expert I work with just release a white paper that is for non-techies on how to use Google Local Listing and SEO without being an engineer. I encourage you to download his free white paper here:

He also does have a SEO Training Class and Google Local Listing Class, the Local Listing Class is a No-Brainer at $27.


Anthony McPeake
Insurance Agent

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:44 am
by d's insurance store
Mr. McPeake...if you're going to pitch a product as an affiliate marketer and try and make money here on a public forum, at least have the decency to say as much in your sales pitch. There may or may not be value in what you're sharing to those reading here, but if you try and monitize it, just be honest about it...

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:38 am
by jackwehoca
Ouch! Maybe I am a bit naive, but I didn't see where Mr. McPeake was soliciting/monetizing as a marketer. Thought he was just sharing a link and advising that you could invest $27.00 for a learning session that might improve your business. I myself would recommend/refer to a third party entity if I thought it would be beneficial to others. Maybe I didn't see the forest for the trees???

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:58 am
by d's insurance store
jackwehoca wrote:Ouch! Maybe I am a bit naive, but I didn't see where Mr. McPeake was soliciting/monetizing as a marketer. Thought he was just sharing a link and advising that you could invest $27.00 for a learning session that might improve your business. I myself would recommend/refer to a third party entity if I thought it would be beneficial to others. Maybe I didn't see the forest for the trees???
Not naive Jack...just perhaps a bit behind the 'codes'...if you look at the link, the last set of numbers starting with 'af' indicates that Mr. McPeake has registered with the seller of those courses to claim a commission of the total sale. If you go to the site, you'll see what internet marketers call 'upsells', whereby the viewer is hustled to spend more than originally intended for expanded material. You can also get a peek at the intention by following the sequence on the browser finding line up at the top of your'll see that it changes from one destination to another as the page loads, again, planting a cookie on your computer tagging you as getting to that site because of McPeakes efforts.

There's nothing wrong with trying to make a buck, but I feel it's wrong to do so on this forum without making known your intentions and being upfront about the motivation for the original post. There may or may not be value in what's offered for anyone reading here, but to try and make money here with what appears to be an informative post, I feel is wrong.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:24 am
by jackwehoca
Gee, wouldn't it be nice just to be able to sell insurance and helping out your constituents, instead of having to spend so much time to see what is lurking in the background? I think they lost me at fax machines!

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:29 am
by amcpeake
D is correct I would receive a commission if somebody did decide to purchase. Although my intent was not to profit from this forum. Tom Petty (not the rock start, but the internet marketing expert I use, and who has made the free blue print available) is a good friend of mine and has really helped me make sure that when you search Insurance in my local area, I am the first 1,2,3 to come up on Google. He knows what he is doing and has delivered for me. I wanted to give back to him by spreading the word about his services. As well as provide to the forum, that I am regular visitor on, an opportunity to take advantage of his offer.

I do agree with D's comment that I should have disclosed that I would be compensated if you choose to purchase one of Tom's classes. With that being said I believe even what he is offering at no cost is valuable.



Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:19 am
by yougotmymoney
landersinsurance wrote:Does anyone buy backlinks to increase your insurance website's SEO? If so, where is a good place to start? I dont want to buy 1000 crappy links. I want to but like 1-5 really good ones (page rank 5 or better)...
everyone who is top 3-5 for any competitive insurance keyword is buying or renting high PR links.

If you think that webmasters with High PR sites are just going to link to you with the correct anchor text organically as a reward for your great content, wake up!

When your on the highway , if the speed limit is 70, and everyone else is going 100-120 MPH, rules don't matter, if you don't keep up, you will die! Same with SEO, write great content, make sure you have perfect on page seo, and get High PR backlinks in addition to the filler links that are PR 0 for link diversity.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:37 pm
by Innovo
I wouldn't spend a dime on links. Google has made some significant changes this year that will have ill effect on many of the black hat link building tactics that are going on.Write unique keyword rich content and lots of it ( pages, blogs and articles). Don't worry about how many links you have, but focus more on authority of the link and how if its getting indexed. There are link diversity factors too. Focus your budget more on proper on page optimization, and research the SEO benefits from social media (ie blogging and other social networks). I would also recommend optimizing your Google Places listing to the fullest extent. SEO is a factor in the digital marketing space and will be forever. Problem is that it has become corrupted. Find a very honest and qualified consultant or professional agency that understands the market to help guide you. There are many was to drive qualified traffic to your site other than organic rankings. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:16 am
by chizcurlz
Most Search Engines use back links as reputation of a site. Both quality and quantity back links count of as ratings and site's value. Google says that not all paid links violate their guidelines and is part of the economy of web for advertising purposes but not to manipulate search results. This is why they implement the "rel=nofollow" attribute to use by webmasters or website owners when they purchase links from other sites.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:00 pm
by jenny1406
I have not yet started my website, but I plan on doing in the next two months! I have a question, What is exactly the strategy of organic link building? Or is that just another term for just doing things the right way and not taking the shortcut by buying links?

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:10 am
by chizcurlz
@jenny 1406 - There are two ways to do Search Engine optimization, On-page and Off-page. Let's start first in on-page optimization. You will need to do these stuffs:a. Make sure your domain name is related in your niche or industry,b. You must have a good site structure from site navigation to site validation(if you don't know this, there are many available Web Developers out there),c. Get advantage of these SEO elements: Title Tag, Meta Tags, URL structure, Header Tags, Anchor Text from your Inbound and outbound links, Keyword Prominence, Density and Anchor Text Diversity, and many more. d. Do Keyword Research, Product Analysis and Competitor Analysis as well. For Off-page optimization, you can try these strategies: Social Bookmarking(Reddit, Stumbleupon, digg, Yahoo Buzz, Google Bookmarks and many more), Social Networking(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.), participating in Forums, Blog commenting, Guest Posting, Writing Reviews to other sites, Classified Ads, Yahoo Answers or, Web 2.0 like blogs, wikis, and hub pages, Business Profile creation and many more. You can message me if you want SEO books and tutorials as well as SEO blogs. Enjoy SEO!!!