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Could the insurance industry do more to Century?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:00 am
by PaulBrindley
I find this industry pretty frustrating at times. It's sad if all a player can do to stand out from the rest is use a stuffed animal or opera singer in their marketing!

Somehow, the industry doesn't quite get it... that things really should have moved on far more than they have done since the 1990s...that services can and should be delivered in completely different ways...that being far more savvy behind the scenes can not only save money but also provide much needed differentiation... that doing so will attract rather than at best leave the buyer of services indifferent, at worst repel him.

Is there anyone out there (in the UK) who could be interested in a ground-breaking travel insurance mechanism?

...One that includes a full quoting and back office systems with health scoring? ... One that integrates the whole process from quotation through into the accountancy, reporting and claim management functions? ... One that does this all without any human input? ... One that enables quoting in an unlimited number of domain names with a white labelling facility and multi-layer mark-up?

Really? Well we'll see then....