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How to file for long term care insurance claim?

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:26 pm
by michelleford
I'm not familiar with filing for long term care insurance claim and I just want to know the process as early as now. I heard that it's a daunting task to file for claim, so I'm worried that it will take time for me to receive my benefits. All insights are welcome.

Re: How to file for long term care insurance claim?

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:00 am
by racheljames
Filing for long term care insurance claim is easy as long as you stick to the process. The first thing you need to do is to review your policy first. Find out what the extent of its coverage and the lenght of your elimination period. If every your elimination period is not yet done, you can call your insurance company and it will go through your records, and then they will give you instructions on how to file for claim. You need to submit all the needed documents such as the claim form, provider's notes, physician's notes and plan of care. If you own a reimbursement policy, your insurer will require you to submit proof of payment, bills, invoices and receipts. Just a tip, you must inform your family right away that you have ltc insurance, so that they can take over of the claiming process if you can't do it personally. There are some insurance companies that provide care coordinator services that you can avail. Filing for claim is a tedious task and asking the help of a professional can relieve you the burden of filing for claim. Click here.