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Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:17 am
by Big Dog
blah blah blah....

Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:14 pm
by cyberbob
Better read the fine print. Keeping your own doctor may not be an option. To educate yourself read
Betsy McCaughey's books on obamacare.

Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:13 pm
by earlybird
Not only is the explanation "brief" it is incorrect in that it says none of the premium is applied to administrative cost. There is a maximum % of the premium that can be charged to administrative costs. And the added benefits are nice, but there is a cost attached to them. And that "small percentage" of the population that lost their policies, 5% of 300 million =15,000,000 are predominately small business, middle class, employed American taxpayers. Those that were not cancelled received renewal premiums that were increased to cover the cost of those folks being added to the health care pool, at reduced premium. This is yet another redistribution of middleclass income as a result of a Democrat Congress and a socialist President in 2010. Nothing is free!

Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:41 am
by mrs dean wormer
Yes, there are a number of inaccuracies in here. And how exactly does the removal of lifetime limits lower costs?

Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:18 pm
by mhutch69
Nothing in that initial statement will LOWER ANY COSTS????

Wakeup and realize the fraud that has been perpetrated upon the American public. Obama.

Wait until he can not hide his past any longer once he does not hold that office.

It will likely be determine he should never have held it for a number of possible reasons.

Tuition fraud. Foreign student visa / grants etc. Right, he and Mich baby paid for Harvard or Occidental on a
community organizer salary?

This clown never has had a job. Michbaby - butt big as a house - is not proud of America.

Get the f ck out!!!!! :D :twisted:

Re: Affordable Care Act: A Brief Explanation

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:15 pm
by Bob Lake
Too many exemptions and plans that stink