Trio Arrested for International Auto Fraud

Three individuals were arrested in California for allegedly being involved in a five-person conspiracy that resulted in a vehicle owned by one of the conspirators driven to Mexico where it was taken apart so that its parts could be used or sold , according to CDI.

On March 25, 2008, Ninfa Patricia Ramos-Ortiz of Hawaiian Gardens, Calif., was arrested on three felony insurance fraud charges. On March 26, 2008, Ana Laura Salgado-Antunez (aka Ana Laura Salgado or Ana Laura Antunez) was arrested on five felony insurance fraud charges. And on March 27, 2008, Ramos-Ortiz’s son, Julio Edder Ramos-Alarcon (aka Julio Ramos Alarcon, Julio Edder Ramos, or Julio Edder Alarcon) was arrested on six felony insurance fraud charges. Arrest warrants are still outstanding for Diana Maldonado Cruz and Juan Diego Cartagena-Alarcon, both from Tijuana, Mexico.

According to CDI, allegedly, Salgado-Antunez last saw her 2006 Nissan Armada on July 19, 2007, when she parked it at Ramos-Ortiz’s residence. Salgado-Antunez stated that she and Ramos-Alarcon discovered the vehicle missing the next morning. Salgado-Antunez subsequently contacted the police department, filed a theft report and reported the vehicle stolen to her insurer, Mercury Insurance Co.

During the claims handling process, Mercury learned that Salgado-Antunez and Ramos-Alarcon allegedly paid his friends to take the vehicle to Mexico three days before the reported theft.

CDI said the criminal investigation revealed that Salgado-Antunez, the primary driver, was behind on her payments and the vehicle was not running properly, so they paid an individual a sum of money to drive it to Mexico to dispose of it. Once in Mexico, the vehicle was turned over to Cruz, who then delivered the vehicle to Cartagena-Alarcon to be “chopped.” Salgado-Antunez, Ramos-Alarcon and Ramos-Ortiz all falsely reported seeing the vehicle in Ramos-Ortiz’s driveway on a date when the vehicle was already in Mexico.

The potential loss was in excess of $27,000, CDI said.