Liberty Mutual Takes an ‘AA-‘

Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co. (DCR) assigned an “AA-” claims paying ability rating to companies participating in the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Intercompany Pool. The rating outlook is stable. Companies participating in the pool include Liberty Mutual Ins. Co., Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Liberty Ins. Corp., Liberty Surplus Ins. Corp., Liberty Ins. Co. of America, First Liberty Ins. Corp., LM Ins. Corp., Golden Eagle Ins. Corp., Montgomery Mutual Ins. Co., Employers Ins. Co. of Wausau, Wausau Underwriters Ins. Co., Wausau Business Ins. Co., Wausau General Ins. Co., Merchant’s and Business Men’s Mutual Ins. Co., Montgomery Indemnity Co. and Cumis General Ins. Co.