W.R. Berkley Names Tom N. Kellogg to Head Reinsurance Units

W. R. Berkley Corporation of Greenwich, Conn. has named Tom N. Kellogg as the chairman of its subsidiary, Signet Star Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Berkley Insurance Company, the group’s lead reinsurance division.

Kellogg will also head a newly formed subsidiary, Berkley Capital Underwriters, LLC., which will “market through reinsurance intermediaries and underwrite, on behalf of Berkley Insurance Company, a proportional form of reinsurance, with a strong emphasis on commercial and specialty casualty lines of insurance.”

Further commenting on its new division, the company’s announcement said that, “Berkley Capital Underwriters will offer tailored reinsurance solutions that combine risk transfer, premium capacity management, and capital platform development in a way that better serves the needs of its insurance company clients. This operation will complement Berkley Insurance Company’s existing treaty operation, Signet Star Re, LLC, which primarily offers excess of loss treaty protection through intermediaries.”

Kellogg will bring a lot of experience to his new post. Until his retirement last year he served as president and CEO of GeneralCologne Re, the principal operating subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway’s General Re.