NJ DOBI Approves PIANJ’s Insurance ID Card Guide

The New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance’s (DOBI’s) Office of Enforcement and Consumer Protection has approved The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc.’s (PIANJ’s ) quick reference guide for valid insurance ID cards.

The announcement follows a meeting between representatives from the PIANJ and the DOBI designed to end the confusion over the ID Cards (See IJ Website May 20).

The new guide will “help producers recognize similarities and differences between the two types of permanent insurance ID cards-the IV2A and the ACORD 50 WM.” It explains DOBI requirements for each card and includes sample, compliant copies of both cards.

The PIANJ announcement also indicated that it “has coordinated with the state’s Division of Motor Vehicles to distribute the guide to its regional service centers to assist and train employees.” It will also issue the guide to New Jersey’s State Police in an effort to help law enforcement officials better detect fraudulent ID cards.