PIANY Lauds Court’s Upholding of No-Fault Fraud Regulations

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. (PIANY) praised the Appellate Division, First Department Court in Manhattan for its unanimous decision on Wednesday to uphold new rules by the New York State Insurance Department amending Regulation 68.

“This decision is a victory for honest consumers against no-fault fraud,” PIANY President David Isenberg said. “We commend Superintendent Serio’s perseverance and the court’s prudence in its decision to restore integrity to New York’s no-fault system.”

Initially proposed by the NYSID in 2000, changes to Regulation 68 reduce the timeframe injured motorists have to file no-fault insurance claims from 90 days to 30 days, and the time doctors may submit medical bills from 180 to 45 days, a major reform toward prevention of fraudulent no-fault activity.

The department’s action initially was defeated in court by advocates of the medical and legal interests. The department began the amendment process again, and this second effort has now survived two legal challenges.