ULLICO Unit Now Covers NYC Firefighters’ Union

ULLICO Inc.’s New York City-based property/casualty unit Ulico Insurance Group announced it is now providing commercial coverage to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, Local 94 of the International Association of Fire Fighters.

Under the new policy, effective 1 November 2002, Ulico Casualty is supplying a package that includes coverage for the union’s commercial property, protection against employee dishonesty, and protection for data processing equipment. In addition, Ulico is providing liability coverage for the office and for the union’s apprenticeship program, and coverage for the organization’s owned and leased vehicles.

Ulico Casualty is an underwriter of commercial property and casualty, workers’ compensation, errors and omissions, and fiduciary liability coverage for jointly managed trust funds, unions, and organized employers.

Ulico was able to begin covering the Uniform Firefighters’ account after the union’s former insurer declined to renew coverage.

“This new policy is a culmination of the 16 years we’ve been providing commercial coverage to our union market,” said Michael R. Machanich, president of Ulico Insurance Group. “We entered this market in 1986, when other insurance carriers abandoned it altogether or offered unions unacceptable terms, coverage and rates. It was a ‘hard market’ then, and many unions were left high and dry, without commercial coverage. Now we are stepping forward again to meet the needs of organized labor.”