VA Congressman Eric Cantor to Address PIA Federal Legislative Summit

Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) will address the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents during the group’s 20th Annual Federal Legislative Summit April 3, 2003 in Washington, D.C.

PIA Assistant VP of Federal Affairs Peter Bizzozero described Cantor as, “a rising star in Congress,” and a “steadfast supporter of the issues that are important to professional insurance agents, including the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act” and “tax relief for the owners of small businesses and all Americans.”

“He has always been a friend to PIA,” Bizzozero continued, as he welcomed Cantor as the speaker at the kickoff breakfast of the PIA’s annual Federal Legislative Summit.

Cantor, a lifelong resident of Richmond, represents Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District and is currently serving his second term in Congress. In November 2002 he became the Chief Deputy Majority Whip in the House of Representatives, the highest appointed position in the House Republican leadership. He also serves on the powerful tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.

“The 2003 PIA Federal Legislative Summit is a gathering of PIA members from across the nation. It is a one-day legislative ‘fly-in’ by PIA members who spend a day lobbying their elected representatives in their Capitol Hill offices. On the evening of April 3, the Professional Insurance Agents Political Action Committee (PIAPAC) holds its annual PIAPAC Fundraising Dinner. Congressman Chip Pickering (R-Mississippi) is the keynote speaker for the PIAPAC event,” the PIA’s announcement concluded.