N.Y. Superintendent to Address Marine Issue Seminar April 28

New York Superintendent of Insurance Gregory Serio will address “Marine Insurance Issues 2003” seminar sponsored by the American Institute of Marine Underwriters (AIMU) on Monday, April 28 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City.

The program, which begins at 8:30 a.m., will feature discussions of U.S. port security, containership concerns, and yacht catastrophe management.

Other presentations will address: p/c and ocean marine capacity, cost of capital and future indications of trends and results; government programs for cargo and the impact of initiatives on insureds, shippers, importers/exporters, terminal operations and ports countrywide; and current off-shore and energy issues from the viewpoint of an underwriter, broker and claims specialist.

For more information, contact AIMU at (212) 233-0550.