Penna. League of Women Voters Convention Will Feature Medical Malpractice Discussion Panel

The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania announced that its 45th Biennial Convention, to be held May 30-June 1 at the Lantern Lodge Conference Center in Myerstown, PA, will feature a balanced panel discussion on Medical Malpractice Insurance with experts representing physicians, attorneys, and advocates for public health care.

“The panel includes Samuel Marshall, Executive Director of the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia Attorney Carol Nelson Shepherd; Roger Mecum, Executive Vice President of the Pennsylvania Medical Society; and Jackson Williams, Legislative Counsel representing Public Citizen,” said the bulletin. It will take place Friday, May 30 between 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Lantern Lodge Conference Center, and the public is cordially invited to this informational panel discussion. A $5.00 donation will be requested at the door.

“The Convention will also feature League of Women Voters of the United States President, Kay Maxwell, at a luncheon on Saturday. Workshops providing tools for grassroots effectiveness and lobbying will also be given on Saturday,” the announcement continued. “The public is invited to attend this exciting opportunity. To make your reservation or for more information please contact us at 1-800-692-7281.”