PIANY Notes New and Improved NumberOne Comp Program

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. announced major enhancements to its NumberONE Comp Program, a PIANY-member benefit that allows agents to offer their customers a workers’ comp insurance product.

“These enhancements mark the greatest improvement to the NumberOne Comp Program since its inception,” said PIANY president David Isenberg. “Most of the changes stem from feedback from members. They told us what they needed from the program and we responded.”

The new program has a simplified application process. For most submissions, PIANY members need only complete an ACORD 130 form and the state mandated inclusion or exclusion forms (where applicable). Plus, applicants no longer need to fill out time-consuming questionnaires. There is also the value of dealing with three A.M. Best ‘A’ rated or higher national carriers. Additionally, there are higher commissions and the coverage is available across New York state.

The program also now offers the availability to write most contractor classes that meet a minimum premium of $6,500.

For more information about the NumberONE Comp Program logon to PIA’s Web site and type SV10001 for quick access through Quick-Link, call (800) 424-4244, ext. 850 or e-mail jmartensson@piaonline.org.