CORRECTION : CIBGNY Meeting Open to Non-members

The dinner and the following panel discussion to be hosted by the Council of Insurance Brokers of Greater New York will be open to both members and non-members. Only the actual membership meeting will be restricted to CIBGNY members.

The article, which appeared on Tuesday September 2nd, may have incorrectly indicated that the entire meeting was restricted to CIBGNY members. This is not the case, and the IJ apologizes for any confusion caused by the article.

The meeting is scheduled to be held at Douglaston Manor, 63-20 Commonwealth Blvd. and Marathon Parkway, on Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003, starting at 5 p.m. The membership meeting will precede the dinner and panel discussion.

Persons interested, including potential sponsors should contact Kristi Carr at (877) 224-2469, ext. 308. The event is $50 if received by Sept. 23; $60 if received afterward or at the door.