AICP New England Chapter Meets with R.I. Director, Marilyn Shannon McConaghy

The New England Chapter of the AICP (Association of Insurance Compliance Professionals) will hold a Chapter meeting, educational event and networking session on Dec. 4, at the Hyatt Regency, Goat Island, Newport, Rhode Island.

The educational event will consist of a presentation by The Honorable Marilyn Shannon McConaghy, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation on hot topics at the Rhode Island Department of Insurance. The Director will also field questions from attendees.

The networking session will consist of a tour of The Breakers Historic Mansion in Newport. All events are open to the public.

For registration information contact Joe Spada at (860) 534-5058 or
Jim Ruegg at (800) 234-5433, x3324 or visit the AICP Web site at