PIANY Announces Continuing Education Courses for MetroRAP 2004

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. announced that it will feature two continuing education courses during its annual Metropolitan Regional Awareness Program (MetroRAP) scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004, at the New York Marriott Brooklyn, the first RAP of the new year.

“MetroRAP’s curriculum is geared specifically toward independent insurance producers in the Metropolitan New York area,” stated MetroRAP Committee Chair Harvey A. Leff. “The education classes are designed to focus on issues that affect professionals in New York City and the surrounding areas.” The morning class has been submitted for New York continuing education credits, while the afternoon class has been submitted for both New York and New Jersey CE credits.

The morning’s presentation is “A Mock Court Presentation on Insurance Issues Under New York State Labor Law 240.” Nine lawyers will act out a series of status conferences and motion practices between the judge and attorneys for the various parties to litigation. Participants will observe the unique legal intricacies of construction injury cases involving New York Labor Law 240, 241 and 241(a); explore the impact cases have on availability of general liability insurance and review potential errors and omissions exposure stemming from the placement of such risks.

Since the Enron, Arthur Anderson and WorldCom scandals revealed the nature and scope of corporate abuses, the legal risk associated with E&O and directors and officers liabilities have changed significantly, as have insurance exposures. For the afternoon CE session, David Paige, Esq., COO, Dewitt Stern Group Inc., will help participants explore the legal trends, examine possible insurer responses and discuss strategies for advising clients in this shifting environment.

As previously announced, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer will give the keynote address. Also, MetroRAP features an expansive trade show and award presentations.

For more information, please contact the PIANY’s Education and Conference Department at (800) 424-4244, e-mail conferences@piaonline.org or log on to PIANY’s award-winning Web site, www.piaonline.org/NY and type EC10040 in the Quick-link box.