Erie Announces Board of Directors Nominees

The Nominating Committee of Erie Indemnity Company has unanimously agreed on its nominees for the Company’s Board of Directors to be elected at the Company’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders, scheduled for April 27, 2004, at the Company’s headquarters in Erie, Pennsylvania.

The following individuals, who are currently Directors, were renominated by the Nominating Committee: Kaj Ahlmann, John T. Baily, Samuel P. Black, III, J. Ralph Borneman, Jr., Wilson C. Cooney, Patricia Garrison-Corbin, John R. Graham, Susan Hirt Hagen, C. Scott Hartz, F. William Hirt, Samuel P. Katz, Claude C. Lilly, III, Jeffrey A. Ludrof, Jan R. Van Gorder and Robert C. Wilburn.

Erie said: “the Nominating Committee based its nominations on the general needs of the Company as well as the specific attributes of candidates that would add to the overall effectiveness of the Board. The committee also unanimously recommended that the size of the Board remain at 15 to effectively meet the needs of Board committees.”