Salil Donde Named President of AMS-Rackley

Salil Donde immediately assumes the new role of president, AMS-Rackley, reporting directly to Euan Menzies, CEO, AMS Group.

AMS acquired Rackley Systems in October 2003 to allow delivery of their innovative rating products and services to AMS customers and the insurance market at large. The combined AMS-Rackley provides Commercial Lines rating solutions in 50 states, as well as Washington , D.C. and Puerto Rico and Personal Lines rating products in 36 states.

“Since joining AMS Rating as senior VP and general manager in January 2003, Salil has helped reposition AMS’s rating business through a series of strategic and operational moves. Following the acquisition of Rackley, the newly formed AMS-Rackley is a clear leader in the marketplace,” said Menzies.

Before joining AMS Group, Salil was president of Ascent Computing Group Inc. and has held senior executive positions at The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, LAW Engineering and Environmental Services and other companies.