Panel Discussion Slated on Pa. Med-Mal Crisis

March 10, 2004

  • March 10, 2004 at 2:22 am
    JB says:
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    When will legislators, regulators and commissioners stop listening to the fictional stories and stop bowing to the special interest campaign funding? The GAO reported in August of 2003 that the “crisis” did not exist and eluded that the “crisis” was ficticiously created by the AMA. The “crisis” states named by the AMA had not had a reduction, but an increase in the number of providers. Additionally, several providers the AMA claimed had closed shop or moved to other states were found to still be in practice in their “closed” locations. Providers claim that the expense for insurance is out of control, but they fail to mention what portion of that expense is written off, or supplemented by the institution they work for. Providers also fail to mention that through their lobbying efforts, laws protecting providers who do commit acts of malpractice in many cases do not have to report these acts, and are seldom if ever disciplined. Further, there is no place for consumers to go to obtain accurate information concerning the records of a physician to determine if a provider is safe.

    Until the AMA does a better job of policing themselves and acts in a responsible manner to eliminate dangerous providers from society, they must live with the burdens of their inaction. Removal of the 5 percent of providers who create the majority of the claims will remove the rate pressures currently felt. This will also better provide for safer healthcare for the citizens at large.

  • March 10, 2004 at 5:33 am
    DAB says:
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    Where did you find your “facts”? The GAO report CONFIRMED the crisis.

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