CEO of United Educators Named Woman of the Year

The Association of Professional Insurance Women, Inc. (APIW) in New York announced that Janice Abraham has been selected as this year’s recipient of the APIW Insurance Woman of the Year Award.

Abraham is president and chief executive officer of United Educators Insurance (UE), a reciprocal risk retention group with headquarters in Chevy Chase, Maryland. United Educators provides liability insurance and risk management services to educational institutions.

A cocktail reception and award ceremony will be held in her honor on June 8, at the New York Marriott Marquis. Harry L. Richter, Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of Genesis Underwriting Management Company, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, will introduce Abraham.

The annual APIW Insurance Woman of the Year Award, first presented in 1976, recognizes an exceptional woman who has achieved prominence in the insurance industry.

Abraham joined United Educators Insurance in 1998 and has more than 18 years of experience in serving the education community through her work at UE, as chief financial officer/treasurer of Whitman College, in various senior positions at Cornell University and with the National Association of College and University Business Offices. She also served as an international banker for Morgan Guaranty.

Abraham serves on the board of directors of the National Risk Retention Association and is committee chair of the Vermont Captive Insurance Association legislative committee. She is chair of the Waycrosse Investment Committee and is a member of the Consulting Editorial Board for the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, the Dean’s Advisory Council for American University’s School of International Service and the Whitman College Investment Committee .

Abraham holds an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from American University. In 2000, Business Insurance named Ms. Abraham as one of the “100 Top Leading Women” in the field of insurance.

Founded in 1976, APIW is dedicated to advancement of professional insurance women and to the recognition of their contributions to the industry.

United Educators Insurance is a licensed insurance company owned and governed by more than 1,200 member colleges, universities, independent schools, public school districts, public school insurance pools, and related organizations.