N.Y. Excess Association’s Maher to be Honored

The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. announced that Daniel Maher Jr., Esq., executive director, Excess Line Association of New York, will receive the 2004 Louis A. Morelli Memorial Award.

The formal presentation will take place April 22 at the PIANY Long Island Regional Awareness Program’s annual awards luncheon, to be held at Leonard’s of Great Neck, Great Neck, N.Y.

PIANY presents the award, which is given in memory of PIANY’s honorary director Lou Morelli, each year to an individual who has a reputation for working toward the betterment of the American agency system and for the professional growth of the association.

Maher is a registered lobbyist in New York state and has introduced a number of changes to the New York insurance law. In addition to his law degree he holds the professional designation Associate in Surplus Lines Insurance and is a frequent speaker on current issues affecting the property and casualty insurance industry.

In 1997, Maher joined ELANY, a statutorily created industry advisory association responsible for facilitating and encouraging compliance with New York’s excess line law. Prior to his experience at ELANY, Maher was a senior vice president and general counsel with Lancer Insurance Co.