Mass. Commissioner Replaces 5 on Auto Plan Board

The Massachusetts high risk plan currently in the throes of changing from a reinsurance plan to an assigned risk plan now has five new governing committee members.

Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julianne Bowler has named three carrier representatives and two producer representatives to six year terms on the governing committee of Commonwealth Auto Reinsurers. The new appointees replace members whose terms expired.

The new appointees are: William Cahill of Hanover Insurance Co.; Margaret Dillon of Liberty Mutual; Alan Krapf of USAA Property and Casualty; William Hoffman, Provider Insurance Group in Belmont and Joseph Vargas of Vargas & Vargas Insurance in Dorchester.

Cahill, Dillon and Krapf replace John Donahue of Arbella, Paula Gold of Plymouth Rock and Robert Harvey of Metropolitan P&C. Agents Hoffman and Joseph Vargas assume the positions formerly held by Nanci Peters of George Peters Agency in Chestnut Hill and Sumner Gilman of Economy Insurance Agency in Springfield, Mass.

Chris Goetcheus, spokesman for the Division of Insurance, said Bowler’s appointments are consistent with her desire to bring fresh faces and ideas to CAR’s governing board.

The governing committee is responsible for the administration of CAR, including the development of rules of operation. The committee consists of 13 individuals appointed by the commissioner of insurance to terms of six years. Seven members are from insurance companies and six members are from the associations of insurance producers.

In addition to the five newly appointed members, the governing committee now includes Arthur J. Remillard, Jr., Commerce Insurance Co.; Charles I. Boynton, Boynton Insurance Agency; David F. Brussard, Safety Insurance Agency; Dennis F. Murphy, D. Francis Murphy Insurance Agency; Steven W. Myers, Norfolk & Dedham Group; Susan K. Scott, Premier Insurance Co. of Mass.; Mark R. Silva, Benson, Young & Downs Insurance Agency and James J. Tarpey, Tarpey Insurance Group.