Pa. Insurance Department Notes Professionals Can Receive Licenses Electronically in Seconds

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken announced Monday that individuals and business entities licensed to do the business of insurance in the Commonwealth will now have the capability of printing their licenses from the convenience of a personal computer.

“Pennsylvania is the first state to offer individuals the ability to print
their own license on a personal computer instead of the department mailing the document to them,” Koken said. “Licensed insurance professionals, with just a few simple key strokes, will have their licenses in hand within seconds.

“In the past, individuals would have to wait at least a week after their
license renewal fee was received for their license to be printed and mailed to them. Now, those licenses are available for download the next business day.”

Licensed insurance producers should go to the department’s Web site at and choose the “Producer Services” icon. The license retrieval is secure and is password protected by the social security number of the individual or the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the business entity.

As licensed insurance producers and other licensees learn about this option to download their licenses electronically, the department expects to save thousands of dollars annually. Last year, the
department spent more than $100,000 to print and mail paper licenses to all licensed insurance professionals.

The Insurance Department licenses 147,000 resident and nonresident
producers, as well as 14,000 other licensees, such as public adjusters and motor vehicle physical damage appraisers.