Mass. State Sen. Nuciforo, Insurance Panel Chairman, to Exit Senate

Massachusetts State Sen. Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr. has announced that he will not seek re-election in November and will instead run for registrar of the Middle Berkshire Registry of Deeds.

Nuciforo, D-Pittsfield, told the Berkshire Eagle on Friday that he will pursue the Registry of Deeds position but would not discuss his motives, saying he would reserve those comments until he makes a formal announcement.

“The Registry of Deeds is a position of great opportunity for the people of Berkshire County, and a position with a lot of promise,” Nuciforo said.

Nuciforo is the chairman of the Financial Services Committee where he has been in the middle of a fight to overhaul the state’s auto insurance system.

His announcement came as somewhat of a surprise. Nuciforo, a 10-year legislator, was considered a possible successor to U.S. Rep. John Olver if Olver ever decided to step aside.

The registrar’s job is unglamorous, but stable. The current registrar, Mary O’Brien, has said she will step down after nearly three decades on the job.

So far, former Pittsfield Mayor Gerald S. Doyle Jr. is the only person to say he will seek Nuciforo’s Senate seat. The district is made up of 48 communities, including all of Berkshire County.

The current assistant registrar, Sharon Henault, as well as former Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway, have taken out nomination papers for the registry position.