In Rare Move, N.Y. Jury May Decide Priest Sex Abuse Case

By | April 17, 2007

  • April 17, 2007 at 1:28 am
    Jennifer says:
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    Okay all other issues aside who are these parents that are allowing their children to sleep over at the priest\’s house? Really? I understand parents letting their children go on church trips, and participate in the church choir, but a sleep over at an older mans house preist or not that is just BAD PARENTING

  • April 17, 2007 at 1:55 am
    Quaker Deb says:
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    I think it would be extremely inappropriate for a child to be invited to sleep over at the Rectory. But then again the priest is supposed to be a trusted spiritual advisor and friend of the family…

  • April 17, 2007 at 2:30 am
    Messenger says:
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    Deb has a good point. When my children were young, I made decisions of what they could and could not do based on whether there were proper safeguards for my children. I would not presume safety because I knew that only I would be accountable for their circumstances. Knowing how my own heart falls short of what I should do, could I take comfort in the imperfection of all hearts? I know that we are to love one another as ourselves, but most hearts grow weak when dealt constant blows of scorn and judgment. Could I rely on those among us who undergo greater spiritual battle than I will ever know? I decided to be a father and not a buddy to my children and said no. I also decided that my life would be more useful if I supported the weak instead of parading their infirmity. Some day I expect to be judged on matters of love before a merciful God who told me to show mercy and mercy will be shown to me on that day. Every time I speak is an opportunity to choose the message that will be planted in my heart. Would I or anyone knowingly plant weeds in our own hearts? It is always a choice to either condemn or show mercy to the guilty. As for me, I have decided to drop the stone in my hand, walk away and consider the splinter in my eye. Peace be with you all.

  • April 17, 2007 at 3:47 am
    ACE says:
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    Send the guilty to the slammer, and let them get a taste of their own medicine. Let them know how \”it\” feels. Scumbags!! They\’re disgusting.

  • April 17, 2007 at 3:53 am
    EeeBee says:
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    Ok, Messenger – this is a forum for comments, not a pulpit.

  • April 17, 2007 at 4:22 am
    KLS says:
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    Messenger, are you saying that the abusers should NOT be processed by the justice system? Is that what you mean by \”mercy\”?

    If so, you\’re a far far FAR more forgiving person than I am or ever will be.

    In my world, the abusers would be tortured in a fashion similar to the horrors they inflicted on their victims.

    Trial by jury… I\’m all for it.

  • April 18, 2007 at 8:01 am
    Rev. SWS PhD says:
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    ACE, as a reverend who holds a PhD in religious philosophy, may I say to you…

    Amen. An eye for an eye might leave the world blind, but blind is how justice should be.

    As for forgiveness… it shall be given when the proper penance is served.

  • April 18, 2007 at 9:28 am
    KF says:
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    To think these are men of God doing the devil\’s work. I am ashamed. Anyone who harm\’s a child should be sentenced to DEATH! There is no punishment great enough to heal a child\’s pain after something like this. This is unspeakable and should be intolerable.

  • April 20, 2007 at 11:57 am
    Chaplain Al says:
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    No clergy person or one hired to serve in youth program is above the law(s) of both the State and God\’s own! Regardless of our individual disgust for the act and the person committing it, justice must be in the hands of the courts. I do not condone out-of-court settlements – if the church overseeing authorities disregard these law, they too should be called in to account. None are above the law!

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