Mass. Faces Deluge of Applications for Mandatory Health Coverage

August 13, 2007

  • August 13, 2007 at 7:05 am
    concerned agent says:
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    this is canadian welfare health insurance and canadians are flocking to the usa for treatment because their health insurance falls so far short. they flock everywhere except MS so you have one thing good going for you-no canucks seeking good health coverage.

  • August 13, 2007 at 12:58 pm
    Lord of the Underworld says:
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    A government program that doesn’t function smoothly? Gee, who would’ve ever thought? Maybe these people will be surprised too when they find out that government housing projects have been a failure also.

  • August 13, 2007 at 1:54 am
    Tom says:
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    You hit it on the head Underworld. Another government program that the state cannot handle. So how are they going to police those who did not apply if they cannot get their charity program in order. I guess the Governor will have to hire additional bureaucrats to handle the additional work, of course at taxpayers expense. I guess Romney will get blamed for this too.

  • August 13, 2007 at 4:14 am
    concerned agent says:
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    where is ted kennedy when you need him? why hasn’t hillarybabes come forward with her support? gee, a beaurocratic nightmare and no liberals coming forward to help. what is this-all talk and when it doesn’t work-RUN FOR THE HILLS?

  • August 13, 2007 at 5:00 am
    tom says:
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    Concerned Agent I’m sure they feel your pain. Kennedy and Hillary don’t exert any physical effort in putting forth government sponsored taxpayer programs. Their job is to use words in replace of physical actions. In their world words mean something and they continue to spend our money. If they had to get a real job they would fail or be in jail for corruption.

  • August 13, 2007 at 5:10 am
    MA Liberal says:
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    I don’t understand the Democrat bashing. The Republican Medicare program is one of the most fouled up expensive for the consumer/elderly – beneficial for bureaucrats/business programs, ever. Compare the Republican: “Figure out which coverage you’ll need (use your crystal ball to figure out what your medical needs will be), then fill out the forms and hope for the best.” v. “You must have medical insurance of some type. Free care for those without any insurance will no longer be an option. Don’t count on it. Take responsibility for yourselves.”

  • August 13, 2007 at 5:16 am
    tom says:
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    Sorry if you’re offended by the Democratic bashing, yes both parties are guilty of wasting taxpayer money. This giveaway program is going to cost us Mass taxpayers plenty! They cannot even keep up with the influx of mandatory enroll-ment so what’s the choice by the State, hire more bureaucrats! This program solves nothing! As for Kennedy he is absolutely useless, all he cares about is feeding off the public trough and appeasing his buddies in the Boston area. We haven’t seen that son of a gun in Western Mass in 40 years. This type of nationalized health care is a panacea and taxpayers are going to fund it. Heck we have already have a $1b budget shortfall.
    That is what is upsetting. The politicians on the State and Federal level no longer have our interest at heart and they are failing this country miserably. I guess I need to learn how to speak spanish!

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