N.Y. Names Task Force to Study Rising Medical Malpractice Costs

New York Insurance Superintendent Eric R. Dinallo and Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines, M.D. announced today the members of the Medical Malpractice Liability Task Force, charged by Governor Eliot Spitzer with identifying the causes of high medical malpractice costs and proposing solutions.

The task force includes organizations representing consumers, the business community, doctors and other health professionals, hospitals, health plans, medical malpractice insurers and lawyers. It also includes members of the state Legislature.

“We will produce an effective action plan to fix the medical malpractice system, not some report to collect dust,” Dinallo said. “A good malpractice system should encourage accessible, quality medical care; promote increased patient safety; treat victims of malpractice fairly; set reasonable insurance costs for health providers; and, by promoting healthy, competitive insurance suppliers, insure that victims will be paid and health providers protected. The current system fails on every one of those goals.”

The members of the Medical Malpractice Liability Task Force are:

Consumers: Center for Justice and Democracy; Center for Medical Consumers; Citizen Action of New York

Business: The Business Council of New York State; Partnership for New York City

Hospital Associations: Greater New York Hospital Association; Healthcare Association of New York State

Physicians/Associations: Medical Society of the State of New York; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; New York Chapter of American College of Surgeons; New York State Society of Orthopedic Surgeons; New York State Association of Licensed Midwives; New York State Nurses Association; Family Planning Advocates of New York State

Health Plans: New York Health Plan Association; New York State Conference of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans (Empire and Excellus)

Medical Malpractice Insurers: Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Company; Academic Health Professionals Insurance Association; Physicians’ Reciprocal Insurers; Hospitals Insurance Company; Medical Malpractice Insurance Plan

Lawyers: New York State Bar Association; New York State Trial Lawyers Association; New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers

Legislature: Representatives of the Assembly and Senate Majority and Minority selected by those bodies.

State Government: Insurance Superintendent Eric R. Dinallo, chair; Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines, M.D, vice chair.

Source: NYSID