Delaware Auto Rates Available for Comparison on State Web Site

Updated Auto Rates Available On

Delaware consumers can compare sample auto insurance rates from over 50 companies online via the state’s Insurance Commission Web site. They can then contact the companies directly.

The auto rate comparison site,, which debuted a year ago, has been updated following an annual survey of insurance companies, Insurance Commissioner Matt Denn said. The comparison tool was expanded earlier this year to include homeowner rates as well, which will be updated in spring 2008.

Consumers choose a sample profile by selecting minimum or a more standard coverage package; the type of driver, including single man or woman or married couple; one of a few sample ages; a sample annual mileage level; one of four sample driving record choices; a sample vehicle from a small list of choices; and their zip code.

After reviewing rate comparisons for the sample profile they have chosen, Delaware consumers can check a box next to one, a few or all of the companies listed to generate an email to those companies requesting a personalized quote.

Other information available on the comparison Web site includes: a list of auto insurance discounts available from each company; the rating of financial strength for each company, as determined by the independent rating agency A.M. Best; and a link to the Web sites of many companies, with a link to find a local agent for others.

Source: Delaware Department of Insurance