State Insurance Commissioners Honor N.Y. Regulator Rapacciuolo

The assistant deputy superintendent and bureau chief for the New York State Insurance Department has been honored by state insurance regulators from across the country.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) presented Charlie Rapacciuolo with the 2007 Robert Dineen Award for playing “a vital role in fostering positive changes with respect to compliance, uniformity and consistency in market regulation.”

Rapacciuolo has been instrumental in reforms by the NAIC’s Speed to Market Task Force and to the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF). This work has improved the tools available to regulators and the industry in the area of rate and form filing.

In addition, Rapacciuolo has served on the SERFF board of directors, as chair of the SERFF Product Steering Committee, chair of the Uniform Product Coding Matrices Subgroup and chair of the Speed to Market Self Certification Subgroup. He has also been a member of the Uniform Filing Transmittal Document Subgroup, Operational Efficiencies Working Group and State Innovations Working Group.

The Dineen award was established in 1989 and is named in honor of the founder of the NAIC’s Support and Services Office.

Source: NAIC