Allstate Tests Brain Fitness Exercise Software and Driver Safety in Pennsylvania

Posit Science, a brain fitness company, announced today that it has extended its relationship with auto insurer Allstate. The companies began working together six months ago in a program to determine whether brain fitness exercise software could be deployed to improve driver safety.

An initial six month offer of brain fitness software to certain Allstate policyholders has now been extended through June and has been broadened to include another 25,000 customers. Allstate is underwriting the cost of the cognitive training software, which is offered for free to its auto policyholders aged 50 and older in Pennsylvania.

Thousands of Allstate customers are now using the InSight brain fitness software program from Posit Science. “Interest from Allstate drivers has far exceeded our expectations,” said Zimman. “We are now collecting and crunching data to confirm effects on driving skills previously seen in numerous studies.”

More than thirty articles in medical and science journals report that the exercises improve driving abilities, mental abilities and the quality of life of mature adults. The software has been shown to cut crash risk in half, reduce dangerous driving maneuvers, improve stopping distance and increase driving confidence, according to the company.

“We are pleased with the response to this offer and look forward to digging into the data,” said Tom Warden, assistant vice president, Allstate Research and Planning Center.

Source: Posit Science