Connecticut Teacher Recognized for Inspiring Insurance Careers

A Connecticut High School teacher has been named Teacher of the Year by an insurance industry-backed group for his efforts to introduce students to careers in insurance.

Gary Barcher, who has taught at Bloomfield High School since 1980, was recognized by the InVEST program – an educational trust supported by numerous insurance organizations as the 2009 Teacher of the Year.

Barcher created an insurance simulation program at the school where students create business cards, set appointments and overcome objections to sell their insurance product by explaining the benefits of insurance as a means of financial protection and responsibility.

Students also price policies and adjust claims to experience the complete sales cycle. Barcher partners with Travelers Insurance and local agents to provide speakers, resources and internships.

“Educators like Gary Barcher are key to the success of the InVEST program but most importantly, the future of our industry,” said Brett Nilsson, Big “I” chairman. “InVEST is the top priority of my chairmanship and crucial to attracting new talent to our industry. With the average age of an insurance professional at 54, we’re counting on Gary’s students and InVEST scholars across the country for our next generation of leaders.”

Source: InVEST Program